My Shop

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

You Think Daylight Savings is Bad?

There is much chaos in my job lately and, for the first time in 12 years, I am working days instead of nights.  That little hour of ridiculousness that we call Daylight Savings Time is nothing compared to a wholesale swapping of night and day.  I was up at 5 am this morning and home at 5pm and hardly saw the sun at all. 

I am finding it hard to string words together.  Actually, I am finding it hard to blog at all right now because I am turned inside out and my head is so full of noise. 

So, how about a chocolate fix instead.  At least the donkeys are getting to enjoy the beautiful weather that I am missing down in the salt mines. 


  1. Oh, dear. This doesn't sound good. Here's hoping it is a very temporary change, or your gang is gonna rebel.

  2. Wow that is a change..Ralph worked nights at the bakery and it was and enormous shift back to sleeping at night again. Hang in there....we feel for you. The Donkey's look wonderful!

  3. They are sweeties in the sunshine.

  4. Interesting, seems there is a lot of "kwazy" going on right now and a need to pause and collect. Love your chocolate fix however! LOL

  5. I feel your pain. I swap days to nights to whatever quite often.

  6. I remember making that same switch, and it was really hard. You have my utmost sympathy. I must say that your chocolate fix is the best ever!!!!!
