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Monday, September 14, 2015

Some People Love Mondays

The puppies love Mondays because it means I have to go to work.  That means Connor goes to FB's to hang out with Bess while I am away. 

They are best buddies even if my poor puppy is starting to look like a chihuahua next to the Great White.

I guess somebody has to appreciate Mondays.

Bess certainly does, she misses her buddy on the weekends.

Who else is she going to practice her squashing techniques on after all?

Happy Monday.  I hope you have even a fraction of the fun that these two have. 

Or at least enjoy some puppy antics to soften the blow.


  1. I wonder if all dogs practice this "squashing," or is it a maremma tactic?

    1. My 5-month-old Lab is best friends with an Australian Shepherd that does the same thing. The joke is on the Aussie, though, because my pup is now bigger than he is!

  2. Those are GREAT pictures! Had me laughing, and I see them every day!! I am glad you also portrayed Bess in her picture-of-innocence pose. All I can say is keep bringing Connor over!

  3. Your photographs are worthy of hanging in any gallery. Superb!

  4. So fun to watch them play. Does it ever escalate into more? My shepherd and her very best friend for years, were playing and something was off because it got into a fight with ears getting nipped ( my girl did it) and we were there and had to pull them apart. No toys, nothing to figure out why it escalated. Just wondered if you had any thoughts. Dogs are dogs, but these two were such best friends.

    1. Sure hope that never happens here. Bess is a girl, and Connor is a boy, which I do think helps. Seems two girls sometimes can get into a tiff. Of course, so can un-neutered males, but I have noticed that neutered males usually get along fine. I absolutely hate dog fights, so it had better not happen!
