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Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Old Yowler

Sometime this Spring an interloper showed up.  I believe that someone "gifted" him to me, a practice that always makes my blood boil. 

I really did not want another cat, especially one who liked to lurk on the stone walls outside my bedroom window and yowl at about a 1000 decibels at dawn every morning.  I had rather hoped he might take himself off, but he knew a good thing when he saw it.

You might be thinking that Kipper would be happy for the company.  Wrong.  She is a cat who does not want her universe sullied by any other feline presence.  Her unwillingness to share is how she ended up here in the first place.  The only way Kipper is going to be happy to have him around is filleted and served on a platter.

I couldn't get near for him a long time, but once he worked up the nerve to get close, he is very friendly.

He even gets along well with Connor.

Just another lost soul looking for love.

I finally gave in and made an appointment at the vet for him.  He promptly disappeared.

A couple of weeks ago he showed up again, having clearly been in the wars, and tried to ingratiate himself once more. 

He even went on several donkey walks.

I tried putting him in a cage so that I could get him to the vet and he promptly escaped and once again disappeared.  This cat does not want to be contained and I have discovered that he will just about kill himself rather than be locked up, which is likely why he got dumped here in the first place, fpeople want a cat who will claw through a wall.
He showed up again yesterday though and I had made arrangements just in case.  So, I picked him up, stuffed him in a cage and took him off to the vet.  The price for my luxury accommodations is that he has to be neutered, wormed, vaccinated and free of fleas.  He came home from the vet today, pissed off and whining all the way. 

Unless he decides that he can't live with the insult and takes off for good, I suppose he is staying and I guess I really need to break down and give him a name.  I've been calling him Old Yowler, Yellow Cat or Whiner, but he really is not old and those aren't really names.  I've just been in denial.  Any suggestions?


  1. Percy........short for persistant?

  2. Such a pretty boy. Maybe his yowling will stop now. We can always hope. Thinking about a name.

  3. He looks exactly like my ginger cat Murphy, who was "gifted" to me twelve years ago. I suspect few cats are lucky enough to wander by your home--now that he's neutered maybe the wanderlust will be curtailed. Good luck, and the universe thanks you!

  4. Well if he runs off for good, at least he won't be propagating. Any cat who likes to walk with donkeys has to be a Keeper. Looking forward to the naming!

  5. I love the name Old Yowler :-). Orange cats are a different "breed" of cats. I can't really explain it, but you'll get it. I will never be without one again.

  6. You are a good Soul. I have done this dance as well. Thank you for being a responsible pet 'owner'. How about Oscar?

  7. We had an orange cat show up on our door step once, tail broken in half and the end rotting, snotty nose, flea infested. He looked at me with a "cure me or kill me" look. Stuffed him in a cage, off to the vet for tail amputation, neutering, meds, etc., and he became the sweetest of all kitties. We called him Orange Julius, which in time got shortened to Juli, but because of the way he drooled happily when held, we then began to call him Orange Droolius. Kitties happen on the farm. After our last one died, we have eliminated most of the attractive kitty features. Love cats, but we've salvaged our quota.

  8. Bless you for caring. Years ago, I had a female butterscotch tabby named "Peaches". It's a female sounding name, though. I think he could be a "Sammy" or "Oliver".

    1. We had a Peaches too, he was a boy and called Peaches and Cream for long. :)

  9. Thank you for your kindness, even for an interloper. :) He looks like an "Otis" to me...

  10. His name is Francois'. Frankie for short. All orange cats talk. Never had one that didn't talk.

  11. I love the fact you're a sucker! I'm smiling (even though you're not).

  12. Hmmmm....he reminds me of a female yellow tabby that I had many years ago named Prissy. Thank you for taking care of him since it looks like he intends to hang around. I'm a bit stumped as to a name. I always tend to let their personality dictate the name.

  13. Thank you for taking him in and doing the deed. Yes, indeed, he will talk. Mine talks in the middle of the night on occasion and he's such a lover I don't even care. Call him Pumpkin--"Punkin" for short.

  14. One of my vets told me years ago that orange cats are the most amazing felines of them all. And not because of owning them but her experiences with them and stories heard through the years. So hope you have a long and amazing time with him. You're great so taking him in and taking care of him...softy :-)

  15. Don't know why but Phineas immediately popped into my head after looking at his sweet face. Looks like your family has expanded once again! :-)

  16. He's quite handsome. I don't know what to name him but thank you for taking him in.
