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Thursday, July 2, 2015

Squelch, Squelch, Squelch...

While half the country suffers through drought and heat, we are nearly drowned in constant heavy rain.

The ground is saturated beyond what it can hold.

The few things I managed to plant in the garden have rotted away.

We are all getting very nervous about the hay crop.

This seems to be the pattern nowadays - floods in June, drought in July and August.  At this point, we are all hoping for a bit of dry weather.

All the world seems so out of balance.  It is such a shame that we can't send some of this out west.

What else is there to do though, but deal with each new crazy day and try to find whatever moments of beauty come along with it.


  1. So much water, so much green. Yes, we in the Southwest would like to share some of your rain.

  2. So, what do gorgeous sharks think of swamps? I hate to think that zillions of mosquitoes are trying to eat you alive. (I used to spray repellent in my hands and then wipe it on my dog's nose and on and around the ears - on the fur, not the skin -, which kept those pests away from his head for the duration of our, thus rather relaxed, walk.) Beautiful photos!

    1. Sharks Like water and are very good swimmers:) Too bad they can't do anything about the mosquitoes, which are indeed coming out in droves.

  3. Absolutely gorgeous shots of what looks like a magical place -- such beautiful greenery. Good work Kris -- and yes, we here in California would love some of that rain you're getting. Things are so terribly dry here. Take care all of you!

  4. Good gracious! It almost looks like the rain forest around your place. :)
