My Shop

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

The Class Clown

The black flies have really been chewing on Ramsey's ears and they bother Emma's eyes so I finally broke down and got them some fly masks.

I've been reluctant to maybe waste money on masks as I am not sure how they will work for my donkeys.  I do like these Crusader masks made by Cashel, they are well made and they actually make them to fit donkeys.  Four ears up for Cashel!

The sizing is a bit tricky to figure out and these are just a little too big for Emma and Ramsey, but better a little big than too small.  They are close enough, even if the slightly overlong ears do flop over at the tips.  They add a whole new element of absurd cuteness every time Ramsey twitches an ear. With every flop I am am torn between wanting to make them fit better and wanting to find some little bells and ribbons to attach to the tips.

Most of the time, when the bugs are bad, this is where everyone can be found.

The fly masks fit well enough and work well enough, but I am still a bit dubious about how well they will work....

Maybe if I put bells and ribbons on Ramsey, Emma will just run away.  I suppose that could help get them more exercise at least.


  1. They look like knights in shining armor.
    Hey, where are the Bess pictures?

  2. Hopefully the newness of the masks will wear off soon so they can be enjoyed for their usefulness! And what lovely sidepasses those donkeys make!!

  3. Black flies or Ramsey Pest? which is worse? Haha! You could cut down the ears and close the tops with velcro (no sewing involved)! I would, however love to see the ribbons and bells but Ramsey needs them too - maybe he would be distracted by them and leave his poor Mom alone!! :)

  4. i can't imagine emma's gonna keep hers for long.

  5. Esential Oils should keep the flies off their ears. Its amazing what our animals will put up with, when we ask them to.

  6. I think the donkeys would be adorable with bows on the extra long ear covers :)

  7. Bells! I vote Bells! with video. :D

  8. I'm sure all three appreciate the masks. My horses sure do. The inside of your barn is so gorgeous.

  9. I had no idea you could get masks for long ears! They look kinda like aliens!

  10. I've had great luck with the Cashel masks. Too cute!!!

  11. Oh my gosh, Kris, we are having a TERRIBLE problem with mosquitos and flies here already, and I am seeing more and more masks on equines!
