My Shop

Monday, May 18, 2015

Of Contract Killers and Brush Piles

Sorry to disappear for a few days, there is just so much to do in the Spring and such a small window of opportunity to get it all done.  One of the jobs I've been working on is clearing the brush along my stone walls. 

It started out in April when I was just going to clear around some of the flowers I planted a few years ago and somehow, it just morphed into a month long project.  And I still haven't gotten to the flowers.

I've made four huge brush piles...

...and ran into more of this nasty stuff.  Will I ever find the last of it?

The 4-wheeler and its little trailer have been earning their keep.  

And the Farm Hand has been a big help.  Just think how useful it is having a 50 pound, psycho puppy furiously attacking every. single. stick. Good thing he stops now and then to nurse on his teddy so he can get recharged for the next load (yes, he does have the bear's entire face in his mouth, sucking on it).

The Contract Killer thinks this is the greatest project ever.

In true cat nature, she is certain that the entire endeavor is for her alone. 

 She loves these stone walls and sees them as her personal highway... expressway of murder and mayhem. 

She has supervised every step of the way, doing her best to torment the dog....

....and instill fear in rodent hearts.


  1. Is That Rhubarb? Your so lucky to have great animals to "help"! Cats do make great supervisors, I was always surprised at how far they would come with me on fence-line projects.

  2. Gee Kris. All your hard work paid off - the farm looks positively landscaped!!!

  3. It's always nice to have "help" when you have a big job to do.

  4. Well, gooood morning, Ramsey, mwah-mwah (sorry, but your nose close-up is irresistible)!!
    And congratulations, Kris! What a mean little machine your Arctic Cat is! Here's to AC helping *you* instead of needing your help to even get going. Life's too short for chores to be sabotaged by unwilling tools.
    Your place is looking so nice and lush! And big baby Connor nursing on his teddybear, awww... :)

  5. That Kipper is just the best! Have you been singing to her while you clean her stone wall?

    1. Do swear words count as singing?

    2. Regardless of what all your other loyal readers think, I do NOT like the new header, as I miss the picture of Connor! Hey, why don't you put a picture of Kipper on the header? And no swearing around Kipper. She is not as sensitive as Kelsey, but she still enjoys a peaceful environment except for when she is killing something.

  6. What a job and so wonderful you have such great help (mechanically and otherwise). I know you're glad to get rid of that barbed wire.

    I'm sure the cat loves that stone wall. It has to be great rodent, snake and lizard hunting territory. How does that teddy last so long?

    1. Connor carries it around and suck on its nose, but hasn't tried to kill it. Yet.

  7. Certainly appears you are making super progress!!! I totally get those morphing projects - have a number of them around my place too!

  8. okay- first of all- I love your banner photo- its a great shot.
    Second- when d'Arcy was Connor's age Ed cut down a lot of brush and dumped it in the woods behind the house. I heard him cursing and went to look- d'Arcy had dragged every single stick back and was looking pretty pleased with himself.

    third- your cat is correct- it's all about her. :)

    Think of the muscles that you are developing.

    1. Yes, Connor is very helpful that way too, such a good retriever:)

  9. That was so much fun to read! You've got pretty darn good help there. I wish my "farm help" stopped to rest once in a while. Alas, he has one speed- go.

  10. Agree with Teresa - that header shot is AWESOME!

  11. Love the header shot. Your place is looking are the shots below of your "puppy" and his Teddy.

  12. What a beautiful area. When it is finished it will be gorgeous.
    As for the barbed wire?
    It always shows up doesn't it?
    It must hide and then mate when you are not looking...

  13. Contract Killer photos (and captions) are priceless.
