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Thursday, May 21, 2015

Double Timing

Why choose...

When you can have it all.

Although, it's hard work juggling two loves.


  1. Life is good when you are the King.

  2. Such a sweet, smart, and handsome boy he is!

  3. He doesn't look too worn out for more mischief, should an opportunity present itself. :)

    I wanted to thank you for the advice you gave about teaching a dog to be a good trail buddy. I've been applying it to my two adult labs on our bushwalks, and while I keep in mind that they are never going to be as good as a pup who was raised that way, they are now watching me, keeping me in sight, stopping at corners to wait for me to arrive so they know which way to go next, and generally being much nicer dogs to walk with. Thanks!
