My Shop

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Culinary Arts

It took some doing, but everybody is happily eating all their medicine.  The trick, so far, is carrots.  However, the pills have to be hidden inside the carrot or forget it.  I started out laboriously carving out holes in each little piece of carrot.  That sure got old fast so I reached out for my ever-handy friend. 

Have I mentioned recently how much I appreciate a good power tool.  Seriously ladies, forget about useless, sparkly rocks, this here is a girl's best friend.  

I think I should put the power tools to use in the kitchen more often, it might make cooking more interesting. 

At least, the donkeys think so.

A nice chunk of carrot makes the medicine go down.


  1. Great idea! Glad they're all getting on ok :-) hugs to all xx

  2. I always knew powertools are also essential in a woman's life :-)
    Good tip - I always wondered what I'd have to do in case my donkeys would need to take pills... Granuloma is easily mixed up in molasses, but a pill, they would spot instantly and discard it !
    So yay for Hitachi, Black & Decker, and other "men stuff" !

  3. Heyyy, now THAT's an idea! Bring some fun to kitchen chores: power tools! I feel inspired now... :)
    More important, I wish you 100 percent success with the treatment, genius!!!

    (Although our RIP-dachshund-terrier-whathaveyoumix would have laughed out loud at your strategy. Pills = the one "game" at which I was unable to beat him. I couldn't trick the sweet little bastard ;), not once, not even with liver wurst, his all-time favorite. I had to use "brute force" - hating it at least as much as he. Whereas his predecessor, Love of my Life LGD mix, when I explained to him that unfortunately he NEEDS to take this pill, would just say, OK well if you say so let's get it over with.-- I'll shut up now, thanks for the kilobytes!)

  4. Another problem solved. You are so ingenious.

  5. wow I am impressed. Irish would probably manage to chew the carrot and spit out the pill.

  6. I'm happy you have a way to get those big ol' pills down :)

  7. "Necessity is the mother of invention" certainly applies here! I'm so glad you figured out a way to get their medicine in them! I hope they feel better soon.

  8. Brilliant! And I agree, Sparkly Rocks don't get the job done.

  9. This is an AWESOME trick!! I'm totally going to steal it to worm the one(!) horse that is convinced that anything in a tube is absolutely meant to kill him.
    But I'm going to borrow hubby's drill - I'm not giving up my useless, sparkly rocks. ;-)

    1. Try putting the wormer between bread. Just tried it last year with the donkeys and worked like a charm.

  10. Great idea!! Whatever it takes...I kinda agree with Mrs. Shoes - I want tools and rocks!!

  11. What good is a sparkly rock when you could have a puppy?

  12. Awesome! Morris ... the dog gets his meds in baby food...the foul smelling chicken pasty crap, he loves it.
    Badger took his hidden in sweet feed and carrots.
    Now you have given us another method! Yipee!

  13. Your culinary skills are amazing!

  14. This is such a brilliant idea . . . . but I'm afraid the end of the pill sticking out of the end of the carrot would have been noticed immediately by my Alaskan Malamute Sedona! She could spot pills in any form of food immediately and could eat so daintily all around the offending pill! I'm so glad you don't have to worry about covering up the end of the carrot too. Thank goodness for power tools!

  15. Oh you are such a sneaky Mom! Love the drill idea!

  16. Great trick! I'll pass this on to my still-horsey sister!
