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Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Random Revue


  1. Have you been feeding Kipper properly? I think she is starting to look a little thin....probably the stress of being around donkeys instead of sheep...It might help her if you sing her that song that I told you she likes....Hey, it is probably that bad water of yours! Can you get her some bottled water?
    At least Connor looks great. I see he has been inspired by Kelsey's Frisbee talents.

    1. Looks to me like a certain D0nk!y may have assumed the responsibility of singing to that famished-looking Kipper kitten?

  2. Aww, she is a sweet kitty! I'd call myself a dog person any day, but it is also nice to have a sweet, contented kitty around. :)

  3. Ani-mules! I love all of them, they're adorable. And look, he has a toy that looks just like him!

  4. Everyone enjoying the sun and hope you are starting to thaw out there! All the critters look to be in great shape and Conner looks more grown up eery time I see him.

  5. Love your random revues. Can you see the bottom of the post yet? Its going to have to hurry and make its appearance, if I am to win the prize.

  6. I hope the snow starts to melt soon! It's definitely spring here, we've already had a severe thunderstorm warning and a couple of tornadoes in Arkansas. :(

  7. What are the donks lying on -- is it straw? They don't gobble it up?

    1. It is wheat straw, which I use as feed along with hay. it is super low calorie/high fiber and I want them to eat. it. they would rather eat hay of course, but the hay is making them too FAT. Whatever straw they won't eat, I use as bedding.
