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Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Positive Reinforcement

It actually made it to 40 degrees.  It's the first time it has gotten above freezing since Christmas.  A tiny bit of snow melted even, it's enough to make us all giddy.  I put a measuring stick and a measuring dog next to the snow so we can watch it die.  Ahem, sorry, I mean melt, watch it melt.

Never mind me, it's the heat that's getting to me.  I decided I needed to use a measuring stick as well as a measuring dog because the darned dog keeps growing so fast he'll give false readings.  I need all the positive reinforcement I can get.

Anybody want to hazard a guess when we'll see the bottom of the fence post?  I could probably come up with a prize for the closest guess. 


  1. It has gotten so warm over there, there's even a lobster popping up ;-)...
    I've seen your previous posts, but never imagined the snow was up só high (thank you for posing, measuring doggy ;-)).

  2. Hey The Dancing Donkey, your blog is Haynets Blog of the Day! Come and take a look:

  3. Yes, this heat wave is terrible- I actually removed my gloves in the barn this morning and could still feel my fingers in 5 minutes!

    I've been gleefully watching the snow die too. But I'm too far gone to use any other word.

  4. I'm going to guess March 31st. Love the lobster toy. Can't believe it hasn't been gutted by your boy!

  5. Gah, how could I not recognize the toy was a scorpion? We have them everywhere here.

  6. Yea! A heat wave! Keep your hat, mittens & cell phone in your pocket. Nature is a beast. But I'll venture that it wont be too long before it's gone...April 8

  7. A measuring dog! Wonderful, that should precipitate the snow's demise :)

  8. Jeez, it is a good thing I have my optimism back....Come on you guys, the first day of spring is March 20th, so of course the snow will be ALL GONE by the first day of spring!!!!

  9. We went from subzero temps with lots of snow and ice to 50 degrees, mud, standing water, and brown grass practically overnight. The air is so laden with snowmelt humidity right now that I can't see past the end of the front walk. Nothing short of surreal. I'm loving every.frickin.minute of it. Spring will come for you too. Soon.

  10. April 15th.
    That said, there is only snow and ice on the north hillsides.
    It was warm and dry today.
    Tomorrow more of the same + mud.
