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Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Painfully Slow Progress

We had a couple of nice days last week and a couple of grey, drizzly days that managed to knock the snow pack down by about seven inches.  We still have a whole dog's worth of snow though, at least 24 inches....

The little hint of Spring did have everyone feeling better and more cheerful for a few days.  The snow became even more difficult to get around in though as it is half ice now.  Even Tessa flounders around trying to get through it.  The poor donkeys can't get manage it and they are not at all happy about it.

I think the little bit of warmth just made it more cruel now that we are once again back in the arctic.  I am having to snow-blow nearly every day because of the wind whether it snows or not, I get my very own personal blizzard every day.....A blizzard a day keeps happiness at bay.

For all my blogging friends out there who keep posting pictures of Spring flowers and birds and who are complaining (!!!!!) about 70 degrees, I don't think I can bear to visit for a bit.....

.....I have to just bury my head and pretend it isn't happening anymore.


  1. We are still below freezing here in Brockport, but much of our grass is showing. You have really been hit extra hard.

  2. well we got 2 feet more of snow yesterday. It's totally crazy. And cold. And windy. I'm looking at options to move out to the west coast....

  3. I can certainly understand taking a break from.the blogs already experiencing Spring!
    ((Pushing warm weather your way))

  4. I wish I could send you, the donkeys and the doggies some warmth... not that spring is so "present" here, but at least we don't have snow and such cold temperatures ! Poor you...
    Keep warm !!!

  5. Oh no, will it ever ever end? I sure am glad we are thawed and snowless right now even if it is ugly.

  6. Patience my pretty - it will be there soon and then you'll have a muddy mess on your hands! Oh wait that wasn't very nice. Chin up kiddo!

  7. I don't think Connor minds the snow a bit!

  8. Oh dear, poor soul. I think I would subsume your winter under "cruel and unusual punishment." Now where do we file for a restraining order? And then settle out of court for compensation in the form of The Most Perfect Spring&Summer Ever? - (I believe we are having the remains of your nice days right now... and will be getting the remainder of your latest cold spell in a few days... though never as extreme.) Here's to friendlier weather soonísimo!

  9. Oh you do have me feeling guilty posting as if spring was showing up everywhere. I am so sorry. I will try to tone it down a bit : /

  10. Would you consider transporting several (hundred) truckloads of snow over to California? We will gladly take it off your hands. We need the moisture so badly.
