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Thursday, March 5, 2015

In Action

I took this a while ago, before all the snow, and finally got it to upload....the mighty hunter in action.

I didn't realize until I went outside that he did indeed get the mole, he thought it was a fabulous toy.  

If you're wondering where the dancing donkeys are, they are on strike until the weather improves.  The only one around here having much fun right now is the crazy puppy, he doesn't know any better.


  1. Conner, the mightly vole hunter. Good boy! I had a friend living on a ranch in Wyoming who had a poodle and a sheep dog and they were great mousers.

  2. That is so cool! Yes my donkeys and other equine are on sabbatical right now as it is too ice crusted and slippery to be out riding or hiking with them.
    I'm tempted to try out Princess this weekend as a hiking buddy... it is supposed to be in the 30's!

  3. Who needs a cat when you have a Connor? :D

  4. Glad you didn't give up on trying to upload this! Your little shark displays such a cute mix of playfulness + determination. And is sooo handsome!

  5. Love all the play poses! He just wants to have a new buddie!

  6. that is adorable. He's having so much fun

  7. I can rarely get anything to upload... well done!
