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Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Our 12 Hour Winter Break

None of the hooves flying around here actually connected with anything other than air...


  1. Great videos! They are such a unit, one happy family! and man, those hooves were flying :-)

  2. Yay ! Donkey-gymnastics in the snow ;-) !!!

  3. Tessa! What a beauty. What a relief to get out of the barn!

  4. That was so fun! We are having a break today, it may get up to almost 30!

  5. Next time, do consider shoveling a path AND a passing lane for your equines.
    (Just teasing. Affectionately! Or else there may not be a calendar for me next year...) ;) Spunky videos, such fun! Hope you get another, but much longer, break veryvery soon.

  6. Your herd is feeling pretty frisky -- cooped up too long.

  7. So glad they were able to go outside and kick up their hooves! Even animals get cabin fever ;-)

  8. Yeah, I think you need a passing lane (ducking and running:-D).

  9. They look so happy to be out of their involuntary confinement. Enjoyed their exercise. So nice. I hope you and the rest of your part of the country get a break from Mother Nature. She sure has been a B&*#S! this winter. They were having so much fun on the path you made for them.

  10. Joie de donkeys and horse!! What joy! Only wish the videos were longer, thoroughly delightful!

  11. What a shame my stupid viewer won't open your videos!
