My Shop

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

The Jinx Lives On

Looks like my jinx on all things mechanical is still intact.  I needed to get to the shop to pick up my car after it being in for repairs for two days and making me miss a day of work.  I had FBs old Chevy truck and was going to swap the two since it is in dire need of work.  It took me all day to get the blasted thing to start.  FB hates it when I swear at her damn truck, like I'm going to hurt its feelings somehow.  I find it is the only way to deal with machines that won't do what they are supposed to.

Good thing she wasn't around to hear the cursing when I finally got to the repair shop (after they had closed and left for the day) only to find that MY car wouldn't start.  Imagine trying to jump start one dead car off a nearly dead truck.  What else is there to do BUT swear at the stupid, miserable, $@!?/& things?  

Is it any wonder that I prefer the company of donkeys?


  1. Your days have too many inherent obstacles -- Murphy, and his law, is bound to make frequent visits.

  2. That's right, no insulting my truck, my tractor, or my wood stove. Blog readers should know that my beautiful truck is a 1977 Chevy that ingested a belly full of bad gasoline, so we have to cut him some slack.

  3. Yup the hay burners are often more reliable than the gas burners. I think it is the alignment of the van has to go back in today for yup, you got it - starting issues!

  4. so sorry. you need to invest in one of those portable jumper/air compressor things. $89 at walmart and other places. has saved me a number of times. when i have an 'iffy' battery, i carry it along with me in the vehicle.

  5. I dont blame you I would have cussed too and he is so adorable.

  6. UGH! Machines (and Computers!) were built to do a job. They should just do it!!

  7. Nothing worse than machines that won't start in winter!

    But... your pictures... my gosh... wonderful!

  8. Sorry for your mechanical woes...I hate them too! Too funny though, your friend defending her truck - I'm the same way about "Big Grey"! Love your beautiful photos...sure looks cold though.

  9. My mother used to cuss and kick the tires then shake a finger at the car when it was subzero, and the old station wagon wouldn't start.
    It seemed to work miracles. I laughed the time she put an old blanket over the hood of it after bringing us home for school.
    She said it was so it would stay warm overnight and start in the morning.
    My Jeep gave up it's battery today to a ripe tune of $. Now it can go to the shop to get its recalls fixed. However, the mules and donkeys don't have a hard time starting at all!

  10. Donkeys are always better than dealing with a vehicle in the shop. Mine goes in tomorrow for some "old age" maintenance :-(

  11. Sorry about the vehicles. The photographs turned out well and I'm sure your critters helped brighten up your day. Such sweet shots.

  12. Well snap! Winter is enough to handle in itself. So you dabble in mechanics also? Sometimes we have no choice.
