My Shop

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Working Up His Courage

I took these last week before the deep freeze descended on our part of the world. We have been plunged into winter and, like most everyone else in the country, we are all a bit appalled and stupefied by the weather.  I am just counting my blessings that we are not near Buffalo, 76 inches of snow in one day is just totally out of line.  If that happens here, I'm moving.  That's all there is to it.  Hear that FB, RB?  I mean it!

While I contemplate where I'm going to move to, here is Connor's first encounter with a Jolly Ball.  If we get six feet of snow, at least I know he'll be happy to move with me anyway.

"It's mine now."

"All MINE."


  1. Brave Conner! And I'm glad you are not buried beneath the cool white stuff.

  2. THE BEST!!!!! I love it when he gets distracted by his shadow! The donkeys have good cause to be jealous. There are no antics like puppy antics!

  3. Awww that is so cute! Yes he definitely has claimed it!

  4. He killed the blue monster!! :D

  5. Hey Ma! The name of this blog is Dancing DONKEY, not Dancing Puppy! Why is his picture on OUR header???


    Emma and Ramsey ;-)

    1. farm buddy, Scout, Kelsey, and Puppy ConnorNovember 20, 2014 at 8:21 PM

      Haven't you learned yet? Puppies are MUCH cuter and entertaining than donkeys!!
