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Friday, November 14, 2014

The Injustice of it All

I hope no one, besides the donkeys, is sick of puppy pictures yet:)  It's been a busy week and I haven't had much time for blogging.  Little Connor is certainly keeping me busy, as is trying to make the donkeys happy.  They are doing very well around Connor, but they are sooooo jealous.  I've been brayed at more this week than in the past two years.  Every time they see me out with him, I get yelled at.  It doesn't help that winter arrived yesterday and the nice Fall weather we have been enjoying looks to be a thing of the past.  And, as if all of that isn't insult enough, Saturday is opening day of rifle season.  That means no more walks in the woods and having to stay close to home. The injustice is just too much.

"How can that thing compare to handsome me?"

"And what about beautiful me?"

"We were here first ya know."

"What's that thing got that we haven't??"


  1. I'll tell you what he has got donkeys.....Border Collie super powers!!!

  2. Aww, how could they be jealous of that sweet little puppy?

  3. Yeh, Ramsey, and those super powers are all in his eyes!

  4. I know what that puppy has that they don't----PUPPY BREATH! That trumps handsome and beautiful every single time. :) Keep those puppy pictures coming!

  5. Connor is amazing. Poor Ramsey. ;) He's just gonna have to tough it out.

  6. All of your animals are adorable and sweet. I hear that you are going to have a visit from two of my Kentucky buds. Enjoy, and tell Tim to take off his shorts and put on some pants!

  7. One never tires of Puppy Pictures...or Donkeys :D

  8. Oh my goodness....what a sweet, sweet fluff ball that puppy is!! I love it!!!

  9. Oh, gosh, I know the donkeys are jealous but he is so CUTE!!!

  10. Love your puppy pictures. Never can have too many puppy pictures. And this shooting stuff, what is up with hunters. They can't tell the difference between a pet and a large wild animal ( or whatever they are shooting at) and is it like the Wild, Wild West? Shoot and then ask questions? Yikes. Stay inside is right

  11. Such a sweet face. Oops, I mean faces : )

  12. I for one can never, never, ever get enough of puppy pictures. Besides, look how photogenic Little Connor is – he’s a natural! lol I’m sure the “green-eyed monster” will go away soon and the donks will accept him as part of the family “herd”. Enjoy the puppyhood – it goes by way too fast! 

  13. Just wondering how you are. Did the big snow hit your place? (from Nevada)
