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Friday, November 28, 2014

Puppy Love

Holidays sure are exhausting. 

Especially for the severely introverted, socially awkward recluses of the world.  

Even when all goes well and everyone has a good time...'s enough to make you want curl up somewhere quiet and have a nice nap.  

Good thing the puppy isn't like that at all.   One out-of-place hermit is enough in any household.

Happy Thanksgiving.


  1. I hope you enjoyed your day off work. Connor is such a handsome boy. He looks like he's grown noticeably since we first saw him. I absolutely love the picture of him looking straight at you with his paw over his puppy. I have some friends who have a border collie. He carries his 'babies' all over the house, offering them to guests, but then seems to change his mind and turns away with baby firmly held in his mouth. His humans go to thrift stores and buy the biggest stuffed animals they can find so they don't have to constantly sew body parts back together and can dispose of carcasses. I hope you don't get his hard by this latest storm wreaking havoc in the eastern US. It's not even the start if the meteorological winter yet, much less the actual winter.

  2. Nothing sweeter than a tired, sleepy puppy! Hope you and the "kids" had a wonderful Thanksgiving. :-)

  3. There's no feeling to compare with being in love with a puppy - those endorphins make a lavender haze of happiness - our joints even hurt less!!! Keep these coming Kris!!! ( oh, and whenever you're moved to positing videos of Connor/Herd, feel free..).

  4. Happy Thanksgiving Kris, Connor, Emma, Ramsey, and Tessa!
    We are thankful to have you as our friends!

  5. The Border Collie toy is a crack-up! Happy Thanksgiving from Skittles and me.
