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Monday, November 10, 2014

A Hard Day's Work

I think I've finally picked a name for the new pup.  I'm not sure why, but he has just been terribly hard to name.  You all had some great suggestions, but they were either taken by other critters/people or just plain wouldn't stick to this puppy.  I'm not sure that what I've chosen is the best name, but it is the only one that didn't get shot down by someone and it is what seems to have attached itself to the puppy. 

It may be in part because this pup's personality is complex and not easy to pin down.  He is equal parts shy and ferociously bold; sweet and loving with a definite stubborn streak.  He is super smart, already housebroken, already understands the concept of fetch and still very much a little baby who misses his siblings and wants his mommy.  A very interesting, complex little fellow.

One of the burning questions is whether or not he and the donkeys can be buddies.  I don't know.  This is one of the primary reasons that I decided to get a puppy rather than adopting an older dog.  I think the donkeys will be more accepting of a puppy.  They will tolerate just about anything during breakfast at least:)....

Unless I am struck with a lighting bolt of naming inspiration during the night and change my mind, I am going to call him Connor - a "Strong willed or wise 'Hound-lover'."  An Irish name for an Irish pup.  It seems to suit him.

One of the other reasons that I decided on a puppy is that a puppy will be most acceptable to both Scout and Kelsey.  Trying to bring an adult into that mix could have been difficult.  He does so want to love the other hounds....

The last reason that I decided on a puppy is that I LOVE puppies and so seldom get to have one.

And when all the hard work of meeting donkeys and dogs is done, little Connor wants grab a toy and play until exhaustion finally wins - just so long as I don't get up to get a drink or hit the bathroom, because he would, of course, have to follow me every step of the way.

It's hard work being a Border Collie.


  1. There's no sleep like puppy sleep. Connor is perfect.

  2. Conner is perfect. The name as well as the puppy!

  3. Welcome Connor! What an awesome name, and not too common for dogs either, you probably won't run across a dog with the same name. So excited that you once again have a Border Collie in your life, especially such a bundle of cuteness. He's going to be such a handsome boy.

  4. Love the name! A great choice for the little cutie.

  5. Great name. Making me miss puppyhood. He's so darn cute

  6. Excellent choice. I love him already!

  7. It is the perfect name. Fits him to a T - I have so many of the same type photos of my German Shepherd in her puppyhood exhausted state. She is now 7 years old. And I got a puppy for some of the same reasons. Adjusting to existing animals already in the home ...and darn it when I retired I wanted a puppy.

  8. Awww, Connor! What a lovely name and a lovely pup.
    I love that last helicopter head photo, by the way...hee hee!
    Enjoy the puppihood(?) while it lasts! =)

  9. Oh Kris, Connor is one precious pup! I'm like you, sometimes your soul just craves a puppy and all that they entail. Please keep the pics coming so we can enjoy his "growing up" time with you. Give that sweet puppy face a kiss for me! Ahhh . . . puppy love -- it's the best!! ♥♥♥

  10. As a fan of the original Highlander movie, I think it is a great name! I am Connor MacLeod of the Clan MacLeod!

  11. I love his name!!! I love the pictures! I guess you answered my question.

  12. Connor he is - perfect!! He is perfect. And adorable. :)

  13. Wonderful! I should have read this first but didn't. I see you are doing a great job at socialization. My son brought his dog with him last weekend.
    All was fine with us and Morris until his dog stepped into the pasture. The bull decided it would 'get' the dog.
    It ended up just fine with a long ago forgotten lesson relearned.

  14. SO cute! They are great heart healers. He looks a lot like mine!
