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Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Good Angels, Bad Angels

Good Angels...

Naughty Angels playing tug-o-war with the lead rope...

Bad Angels have no pictures or videos because they require two hands.


  1. Loving the eager pricked ears in that first video. :)

  2. More videos!! Ramsey is so handsome! Shiny and sleek. The naughty angels are much more entertaining. :)

  3. Oh those ears.... so expressive

  4. Ever the entertainers! My donkeys aren't quite ready for walks in public. I took them a couple times when they first came here. The proceeded to get in "I'm the boss of you" arguments since they were still intact at the time. Mounting one another in public is just a little too rated R for for our neighborhood. :)

  5. Love the ear action! Ears are a dead giveaway on most pets :)

  6. The one constant, even when two two-handfuls: Angels! :) Cute videos full of donkey cuteness. So wonderful to hear those donkey footsteps! Or hoofsteps. (There has got to be a diminutive for hoof --> off to do some research ;))

  7. hahaha, he's mister sassyboots!!! but like how mom's not having it!

  8. They look GREAT side by side! Do they always pick the same configuration? I've seen long time pair horses come up to eat or drink on their respective sides :-).

    1. This is how we always walk when we're on the road. It falls apart some in the woods. They'll both lead from either side, but this is where they nearly always end up in the end. Lessons learned early stay strong:)

    2. I do hope this might turn into a "team" someday:)

  9. Oh I love this. You could turn the picture off and just listen and still tell the difference.

  10. I love it!
    Siera often grabs the lead rope to see if she can help me lead. I've had other mules come up and offer to do the same.
