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Sunday, October 19, 2014

Fall Colors

Most of these are from several weeks ago.  Unfortunately, Fall is just about over with here.  It really seems like this was the shortest summer ever.  Everyone I know seems to be in a sate of benumbed shock that the weather forecast is mentioning snow all of a sudden.  It's just too soon.

Goodbye Summer, we miss you.


  1. Down here I'm the opposite: "Oh no! not summer coming again! It's too soon!" :D

  2. as usual your photos are professional quality, a coffee table needs to be published. and of course love the photo of Tanner in there. Di

  3. Oh my goodness are these photos ever refreshing and beautiful.
    We had 28 last night and a very very hard frost. I think it was our 3rd hard frost.
    Now we enter the brown season...until we enter the white season!

  4. Beautiful photos. As always. I'm glad you included Tanner :'-(. {{{hug}}}

  5. I'm filled with dread as well. I feel like I only just recovered from last winter. But did you see NOAA's latest forecast? Maybe this winter won't be so bad. Here's hoping.

  6. But I always welcome fall and what lovely serene photos you have here. I just love all the colors and that first shot is super cool.

  7. GREAT pictures. That camera is working out well.
