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Saturday, September 20, 2014

Therapeutic Riding

Tessa and Bailey are getting along quite well so far.  There is intense interest on both sides, but both of these young mares are behaving beautifully.  They are very aware of each other and would clearly like to "talk" a lot more than they have been allowed to.  There is so much subtle discussion going on despite our interference.  I always wonder what horses are really saying to each other, especially when they first meet.  The part we humans manage to catch is such a tiny sliver of a very deep conversation.

Regardless of what the girls had to say to each other, we had a lovely ride this afternoon.  It was much appreciated. 


  1. I think this is the first time we've seen this creek/river. I hope you get to ride more often now that RB has a steed!

  2. So many nice, flat stones in the water. Seems like they should be rounded, from tumbling. What a delightful place to ride.

  3. Those trails are definitely beautiful! I've ridden them several times, and was thankful for the chance to ride among such pretty scenery. I have a feeling your girls are going to become fast friends :)

  4. Oh it looks like heaven. I soooo wanted to ride yesterday but our winds were so fierce!
