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Monday, September 15, 2014

Spa Day

A week ago, we had the hottest day of the year.  Tonight, we have frost warnings.  I am so not ready for that.  I think I'll stick with summer just a bit longer.  Since it was so hot, I gave Tessa a bath

She does like a nice cool shower on a hot day.

Of course, she had bath attendants making sure that everything got done just right.

Everything had to pass both inspectors

Something tells me we won't be playing with the hose again this year - it's time to go put another log in the woodstove.  I am just not ready. 


  1. I have not logged on to blogger in a few weeks. It was nice to scroll through and get caught up on what you are doing. Tessa looks gorgeous and you are lucky to have such good helpers.

  2. Oh my gosh, it seems like you just showed us the frost in the woods from last spring!

  3. Loving that last shot and we are having our last shot at summer this week. Hope to take advantage of some of it!

  4. Cute videos. I love it how donkeys talk with their ears.

  5. That is some beautiful mane you have going there! We have not had a frost yet, but did have a fire in the stove the other night.

  6. Brilliant pics! It's been a while, hoping to catch up on posts soon as I have missed a lot - life's been a little hectic ;-) Hope you're all well!
