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Saturday, September 27, 2014

Laid to Rest

10/28/2002 -9/25/2014

Goodbye my friend.

Thank you, everyone, for all of your caring and support.  I've had so many amazing emails and comments that I am overwhelmed.  Literally overwhelmed.  I simply cannot find the words to reply just now.  I will when I can.  I do want to send out some special thanks to FB and RB for all your help and support this week and to RB's husband who unexpectedly showed up with his excavator to help me lay Tanner to rest properly.  Thank you, all of you, from the bottom of my broken heart.


  1. That's beautiful Kris. I'd be happy to have that as my gravestone and I couldn't have done better with the flowers: they're just perfect. xoxo

  2. My heart goes out to you. I've shed many a tear over animals and looking at your pictures brought more tears today. Tanner had a good, happy, fun filled life with you. You can be thankful for that. Will be thinking of you.

  3. bless your friends who helped you bury him. i know that urgency of needing to bury dog or horse and the feeling of helplessness until a neighbor steps in. tanner is at rest at home as he'd want to be. and he will always remain in your heart and a piece of your heart lays with him.

  4. My heart hurts for you. I laid my sweet Ashley pie to rest 3 weeks ago. I have to believe they are running pain free, chasing rabbits and balls at the Rainbow Bridge. Fresh tears for you.

  5. Tanner was a very special guy, sweet, smart, huggable; he has left a vast empty place in this world. I count myself fortunate to have known him and to be considered one of his "girlfriends". Thank you Tanner and thank you Kris for sharing him.

  6. In tears with and for you. Rest well, Tanner. What a good boy.

  7. My heart aches for the pain you must be in. I am so very sorry. May all your wonderful memories of Tanner help you heal.

  8. What a beautiful tribute to your beloved dog. They are such a big part of our lives and gone too soon. Rest in peace, Tanner. So very sorry for your loss, Kris.

  9. We are so sad to hear about Tanner. Run free, sweetie!

  10. I'm so sorry. My heart hurts for you.


  11. I've checked your blog 3 times a day since you posted Tanner's illness and been dreading seeing this, but it's a beautiful tribute. Choked up, tears for your loss. RIP Good Dog.

  12. I echo all the above & pray that in time your heart will know peace. Your sunset photo is a gem. I offer these quotes: "Be thou comforted, Little Dog. Thou, too, in Resurrection, shall have a little golden tail." Martin Luther

    "Dogs' lives are too short. Their only fault, really." Agnes Sligh Turnbull

  13. So so sorry for you all, it is so hard to lose such a beautiful companion. And all dogs go to Heaven! What a lovely set of photos.

  14. Just an amazingly beautiful tribute to your precious baby. A truly magical life he lived. You both were very, very lucky to have each other. May you one day join as family again. I like to believe that. With heartfelt wishes that you heal and can remember Tanner with joy and smiles and not a heavy heart, cause it sure hurts. Take care and hugs to the rest of your animal family who are the best and i'm sure don't want you to be so sad. Share with them, they'll lighten your burden. Mine do often.

  15. I am so sorry for your loss. I cried looking at the photos. No words, just terrible heartache.

  16. A beautiful tribute to a very sweet pup. Peace, Tanner.

  17. Was expecting this news but it's still a shock. So very, very sorry Kris for the loss of your 'heart' boy. ♥♥♥

  18. Damn! I hate, hate when a good dog dies! I'm so very sorry for your loss!
    “Dogs are our link to paradise. They don't know evil or jealousy or discontent. To sit with a dog on a hillside on a glorious afternoon is to be back in Eden, where doing nothing was not boring--it was peace.”
    ― Milan Kundera

  19. He was a beautiful boy. I know there's a huge ache in your heart.

  20. I am so very sorry that this came to pass, just as you dreaded. May Tanner rest in peace and may you find your own peace in time.

  21. Your beautiful boy, Kris... I am so sorry. Someday, when you can talk and write again, I wish you would tell us about the bathtub picture. Your photos of Tanner are so beautiful.

  22. It must have been such a hard week for you. This is a beautiful tribute. If you ever get a chance to read A Dogs Purpose you might enjoy it.

  23. You and Tanner have been in my thoughts. I'm so sorry.

  24. What an amazing place to lay his body while his soul will always be surrounding you and the farm. Love the memory shots of him and even tho they are hard to see right now, you will be so glad to have them! Hugs from us!

  25. I, too, am so sorry for your lose of Tanner. Rest in Peace Sweet Boy.

  26. Deepest sympathy for your loss of your beloved Tanner. Thank you for sharing these wonderful photos of your boy. There are no words and you are entitled to your grief and you are handling things the best you can. Your virtual friends are always here. Take care and Tanner was a joy and will always be missed.

  27. I left a comment earlier, but it seems to be lost somewhere. You have been in my thoughts for days. There are just no words that really comfort. {{{hug}}}
