My Shop

Monday, July 28, 2014


The hay is done.  It's nice hay, it's in the barns and it didn't get rained on.  That's about all I have to say about it.  This year's crop ended up being very expensive, difficult and stressful in the extreme with yields almost half what they were last year.

But, it's nice hay...

and it's in the barns.

That means it was a success I guess, despite the mechanical problems, anxiety, disappointment, expense and frustrations.  It's nice hay, tucked safely away in the barns.  It's nice hay, tucked safely away in the barns. It's nice hay, tucked safely away in the barns....Keep repeating that.  That's the part that counts.


  1. Some days a mantra is better than nothing... Glad your hay looks nice. And is in the barn.

  2. I'm so glad it's over, and I have the feeling you are not thinking of getting a second cutting.

  3. What a great picture of the tractor pulling the hay,
    something about it made me feel quite happy .
    It does look like nice hay too.
    Hope all is well in your world.

  4. I'm glad you got some nice hay and it's tucked away in the barns. It seems like you need to go to work to get some rest. We're retired now, but used to say that when we had time off and worked harder than we did at work. It's rare to have something that my husband can't fix. If we lived in your area he'd try to help. We followed you here from The 7MSN when Ramsey was in such bad shape. You remind us of Rancher Woman Carson. It's time for your luck to change. Here's hoping...

  5. Done Done and on to the next one. LOL

  6. So will you get a second crop? How much hay do you need to have stored for the winter? Just curious and you don't have to answer.
    We are having mixed results here. With the very wet May thru June the first crop was late, and I see that there are farmers on their second and others on their third crop.
    Lots of hay down yesterday.

  7. Still - it's like money on the bank and you have it. : )
