My Shop

Monday, July 21, 2014

All B's

Sorry to disappear there for a bit, the days just got away from me and ran out of hours.  I meant this post for Sunday Stills, which has also slipped away from me, but I am late again.  It was all about B's this week, which is appropriate given how Busy the world feels. 


Blissful Breakfast.

Bold Boy.  Every time kids show up to visit, Ramsey amazes me with how much he loves them and how good he is with them.  He'd like to know where he can find a couple to keep around to play with.  Anyone have a spare kid laying around?

Blue shoes.


Bewildering blues.

Battling the Beast.

Beautiful Boy.

Bright fungus.

Big Bale.

Best Border Collie.


  1. It looks like Beautiful is all shed out except for his bangs.

  2. B--UW-tiful.
    And fun.
    I love the 'fly' mask.
    Donkeys are pretty good with kids aren't they?
    I know my grandkids would volunteer to stay with you.
    And they'd do chores too!

  3. Enjoyed all the "B's" but especially the Busy Bodies.
