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Monday, May 5, 2014

Spring Break

I need a vacation.

The idea of me actually going anywhere is laughable of course, but it is Spring.  Cold and wet so far, but Spring nonetheless.  I can't go away, but I can and have taken the week off from work.  I have a horse to ride, donkeys to walk, trees to plant, fence to build, equipment to fix, etc, etc, etc.

I can also take time off from the computer, from driving, from the rest of the world.  I'll be offline for the week, taking a vacation here at home.  I hope that all of you out there can go out and embrace Spring as well - even if it is raining.


  1. Enjoy your spring break! I'll try to send some of our heat your way. Headed to mid-80s later this week. Ugh.

  2. Sounds like you have a nice week planned, enjoy!

  3. Your vacations sound like mine--working on projects at home! Enjoy it and gets lots of work done ;)

  4. Enjoy, I was intentionally offline for 3 days. I didn't mind it at all. I haven't even really felt like catching up very much either.

  5. Have a wonderful week with your wonderful farm kids!!

  6. Bon Voyage! I know you'll have a great trip!!!

  7. Good for you, really hope you have a lovely week, sometimes staycations are the best, especially with the impeccable company you get to spend time with!

  8. I love staycations. But remember NOT to work on chores all week.

  9. A perfect time of year for a staycation!! Enjoy! Love the photo of your vinca.

  10. We've got WIND. I need a vacation from WIND. I'd rather embrace RAIN!
    - The Equestrian Vagabond
