My Shop

Friday, May 16, 2014

Getting Ready for Winter

"Now what's Ma up to?  Do you suppose we'll get a chance to eat some of that...."

"You know, I do think Ma has lost her mind..."

"Yeah, and I bet cutting, chopping and hauling all that stuff is going to cut into our hiking time even more.  What is she thinking?"

"All that work just so she can burn the stuff come winter.  Ma really ought to learn how to grow a good coat and eat hay to keep warm, it's sooo much easier.  Good thing firewood is her job not ours.  Let's leave her to it, this sure looks like a job we should stay far away from, even if it would be fun to nibble on."


  1. Okay, that looks like a heck of a work out to say the least!!!!

  2. You really have to give us the backstory on the logs now that you have piqued our interest with these pictures.

  3. Ouch, that's the hard way to do it. Happy chain-sawing.

  4. Holy c*&p. I'm with Ramsey. And who knew you just buy a truckload of logs?

  5. You're NOT seriously going to chop that into fire wood....are you? If not, I'm clueless about what it's for.

  6. Oh my gosh, spring has barely come to you and already for next winter... my heart goes out to you.

  7. Now THAT'S the way to haul firewood! LOL grow a coat!

  8. Is it really that much cheaper to buy the logs and do it yourself, than buying a few cords of wood (asks the girl who really doesn't know the answer). :)

  9. Wow, you are gonna be busy, looks like those donkeys need to turn in to logging donkeys!

  10. Yea, well, after 1 hot day (I think it got to 79*), I said "I am soooooo ready for winter!" And after a week of being terribly bug bit, I think the herd agrees with me!
    - The Equestrian Vagabond
