My Shop

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Random Revue


  1. I loved these photos and your woods look so beautiful and peaceful !

  2. had to giggle at the group meal...num hay! while Emma says, num wood box!!! typical donkey. gotta love 'em.

  3. Nice dress for them to keep themselves warm. Enjoyed your photos.
    Happy Valentine Day!!

  4. Lovely pics so peaceful and calm. Everyone looks happy xx

  5. just awesome! love the light coming in thru the trees!

  6. I like the three of them eating from the box. That is a good idea. I have trouble with my two goats wasting the hay by by pulling is all out at once! Looks like Emma is nibbling on the box. All three are so cute!

  7. What beautiful pictures of winter - - - almost makes it look inviting - - - especially the first one of the woods with the sun shining through. The animals looks so contented in the sunshine, too. I can smell the sweetness of that hay just looking at it.

  8. i love how emma is chewing on hay box while the other 2 are actually eating hay. again you are a wonderful photographer.

  9. Picture #2: incredible!!
    Your gang looks happy and healthy, despite all that snow!

  10. p.s. I love that peekaboo shot of your tractor! :-)

  11. Lovely! It is bright and sunny here after yet another day of snow and blowing snow and drifts.
    Love your shots, hope you are having a great day.

  12. That second shot needs to be put on canvas. Of course the kids are always cute but looking tired of the snow.
