My Shop

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

We've Made it This Far

So far, the only casualty is one frozen pipe.  It hasn't broken yet (knock-on-wood) so hopefully I'll be able to get it thawed out without damage.  It is PEX at least, which is less likely to rupture and easier to fix than copper or plastic.

Tanner is less than thrilled, but is hanging in there...

The donkeys are also less than thrilled, but also doing OK.  They haven't been out of the barn in two days, but aside from boredom and getting tired from bracing against cold, they are doing well.  All attempts at restricting calorie consumption have been suspended for the duration, free-choice hay and straw for everyone.

Tessa, in her sleek otter-pelt, is just about impervious as long as she can be out of the wind.  She has even ventured out for brief forays, but the wind sends her back to the barn after a short time.

And oh, did the wind howl last night.  This is always a horrifically windy spot and I had some serious qualms listening to the groaning, creaking and thrumming of the barn and house roofs last night and felt the walls quaking.  It's all still standing thank goodness.

Down in the town, they reported -35 wind chill.  It had to be closer to -50 here at my little patch of paradise.  Between the howling gales and the gunshot explosions of flash freezing all around the house, it was a rather noisy night.

The cat has found herself a hay-cave somewhere in the hay shed and only comes out for brief appearances.  She is probably the warmest of the bunch.  It might get up to 10 degrees tomorrow.  If the wind lets up, it'll be downright balmy.  Maybe I'll be able to get the donkeys to leave the barn for a bit.

I hope all of you and your animals are safe.


  1. Oh my, what a challenge! Are you leaving the blankets on the donkeys 24/7? (I am a novice at blanketing ...) They look cozy indeed! Stay well!

  2. My guys had a party with the hay as well. We must have gone through three days worth of hay in 24 hours. And every flake I threw out was followed by a little thanksgiving blessing that the drought was last year, not this year, and so there was hay to spare.

  3. You painted a picture of weather I have never experienced. You made the freezing cold sound noisy and alive. Tessa looks like a furry and warm furnace. Gorgeous girl. Stay safe everyone.

  4. I am so sorry you are having to freeze to death like this. But sounds like everyone is fairing okay. At least the critters...what about you?

  5. I'm glad everyone is doing well. We had 3 days of windchills in the -45 degree range. I only know that it was cold and that everyone had plenty of hay and warm water.
    Opal was moved into the machine shed...did I tell you that? She is 30ish and she is liking the personal attention, and she is supervising poop patrol.
    Stay warm, what is your snow situation? We got little snow but high winds.

  6. We are a little warmer this morning...May get to the teens and schools have reopened. Can't wait for this weather to give us a break. I love your barn set up.

  7. I don't know how you manage like you do! It is supposed to get up to around 36 here today. Wish I could send some of it to you! Right now it is 13. Thinking about you and the animals.

  8. so glad you are faring. i hope the weather patter breaks, soon!

  9. It doesn't look as cold as it really is in that barn! I'm glad Emma has her own blanket - and Ramsey …. warmer this weekend: maybe everyone can take off their coats and relax!!! you too!

  10. Really glad you guys are staying warm and surviving, we've been thinking of you! Stay safe :-)

  11. I'm so glad everyone made it through that cold, it was wicked. Everyone stayed inside here animal wise. People wise, we tried to spend as little time as needed, at least in the barn out of the wind it was a lot nicer. I'm so glad everyone managed OK and hope the pipe problems did not go any further!
