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Thursday, January 30, 2014

The Traitor Within

So my little trip to the ortho Doc this morning turned into another dive down the rabbit hole.  For some reason, I was surprised.  You'd think I'd learn! 

Turns out my knees are in good shape, better than they were 10 years ago, and the orthopedic specialist cannot help me.  Sounds like good news right?  Um yeah, not so much.  I struggle with several autoimmune disorders including celiac disease.  In spite of an obsessive adherence to a no gluten diet, my traitorous body is still trying to destroy itself and my bones appear to be the latest battle ground. 

Next stop on this little adventure will be a rheumatologist to see if they can pinpoint the latest inner traitor and find a treatment that I am not allergic to.  Good luck with that one.

Pardon me for a bit now while I go find a corner to set all of this aside, out of my way.  I have more important things to do after all, I need to go walk my dog and hug a donkey.


  1. Aw man, that sucks. I want to send kind healing thoughts your way, but "feel better soon" seems to fall a little short...okay more than a little.
    I do hope you find a solution soon though, so that you can be atleast relatively pain free again. Will sending healing prayers your way.

  2. Sounds awful. Thank goodness for the animals xx

  3. Oh poor you, it must be so frustrating! Especially when you're so active and there is so much to be done and enjoyed! Best cure .... definitely a donkey cuddle :-)

  4. Total bummer! I deal with two auto-immune which presently are minimally aggravating compared to some past flare-ups. Do you read Prevention Magazine? Did you read about this woman? However, it doesn't give her treatments other than exercise and I know there has to be more than that.

  5. And I meant to add more to the last comment but messed up. I am sure you have probably done a lot of research on your own, too. Have you contacted some of the top hospitals/treatment centers to see if anything new is out there? Like Mayo Clinic. I know they cost more and then you deal with insurance issues, etc. Just a thought -- - maybe they know someone else in the area for a referral - - unless you already have the best person. Will pray for you.

  6. :( A donkey hug sounds like a good idea.

  7. I just got diagnosed with Psoritaic Arthritis (similar to RA) I'm still pretty pissed that my body can't figure out something as simple as to not attack itself. But at least I have a Rhumy I really like, so hopefully I can find a medication or treatment to slow it down some. I would never want to be a rhum, auto-immune stuff is such a mess.

    Donkey hugs are a vital part of a treatment plan if you ask me! I personally use horse hugs, but you know how auto immune stuff is and each person responds to something diffrent! Haha!

  8. Praying for you, Kris... and I'm on my way for my quarterly diabetic checkup today, with a host of things to talk about. My fingers are freezing... it means coming in over and over while trying to do chores now, to warm them up, then go back out. Changed gloves, changed procedures.. still freezing. I guess I'll find out what the damage is today. Good luck to you!

  9. I wish we could do something to help. It's hard to deal emotionally as well as physically with stuff like this; it gets to you. Hugs are great therapy and sunshine never hurts. I hope you get lots of both. Dreary days drag you down. Listening to upbeat music always makes me feel better, preferably something I can sing along with -loudly. Good luck.

  10. Oh dear, we are all getting older! I've just had a distressing diagnosis too - not the worst but am retraining myself on lifting and hauling - strategy not strength! Need to stay strong and healthy for our critters (and of course ourselves!) Best of luck and warm wishes!

  11. I'm sorry. It is always something! Glad your have those sweet animals to help cheer you.

  12. I certainly understand finding a quiet corner to absorb, adjust and regroup to your health news. Along with donkey hugs, of course. I agree with the other blog comments that your writing at the end of your migraine was exceptional. Hang in there and thanks for sharing with us.

  13. I've been reading several blog posts each day trying to catch up from the beginning of a blog I learned about a few months ago. Tonight I read her account of going to the orthopedist and being told he couldn't help and then going to a rheumatologist who did lots of blood work looking for clues. I copied the URL and will paste it here where she tells of the results. It's amazing and to me makes sense to be checked out in your situation. As I wrote earlier, I wish I could help and I hope this helps or at least gives you hope that your situation is treatable.

    1. Thanks Peg, I've seen this and i agree completely. I have trouble absorbing some nutrients due to damage in my GI and I suspect that is part of the problem. Now if we could just figure out how to fix it....

      Thank you for sharing this and your kind thoughts. They are appreciated:)

  14. Yes, go walk the dog and hug a donkey :) Our loving animals always make things better!

  15. My mom has celiac disease also, that can be a pain but she is able to deal with that. Yes, the diet is difficult, but I sure eat healthy when I visit.
    I'm so sorry to hear this and that you are having pain.
    Please spend some 'me' time and cuddle with the donks.

  16. Hmmm, one of things that can cause AI's to come along one after another is Chronic Lyme disease. How do I know, because i have it. :P Ten years undiagnosed and I couldn't work out why one thing after another went wrong with me despite my healthy lifestyle. Gut issues, Hashimoto's thyroiditis, pernicious anaemia, Coeliac, dairy intolerance, brain fog, muscle pains, joint pains, dreadful fatigue, and then to crown it all I got panic attacks and anxiety. Hubby was a year behind me with it all though he didn't get the anxiety, lucky guy. That was when we stopped trusting the docs' diagnosis of CFS and finally found out we both had lyme. Two years into treatment and we are slowly but surely returning to our old selves. It presents differently for everyone and is all over the world (I am in Oz and they say it isn't here at all but many of us with positive blood tests from overseas would beg to differ!) Worth maybe reading up on it a bit beyond the official line on it if one has health problems piling up.

    1. I've been tested in the past and am waiting for the results of a new test. There are so many ticks here and lymme is becoming epidemic. I worry about it as I often find 15-20 deer tick a day in the spring and fall, but so far the doctors say I am negative.

  17. Crap, the Celiac is hard Dad has it. It sucks to get older and our bodies start falling apart. Hope you find a good Doc to help you through the rough spots on this new diagnosis. Yes hug a couple of Donkeys:)
