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Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Year on the Farm

Dreaming of the beach...

"We had our frolic in the snow this afternoon, now WE WANT FOOD!"

 "That might be edible...think it would taste as good as the chicken we caught on Thanksgiving?"

"Those pigs are such pigs, we would never eat a chicken!  We'll just wait here, we're sure someone will remember to feed us eventually."

"Speak for yourselves pipsqueaks..."

 "if you get hungry enough, you can always eat the farmer's clothes."

"Would you all just pipe down out there.  Don't you know it's bedtime."

"What's on cowTV tonight Mable?"

"I don't know, probably just the same old reruns."

"In that case, maybe you and I should go find something else to do, hmmm?

The far sheep is a ram here to visit with the girls for a couple of months so there will be lambs in the Spring.   It seems to be working.

Marigold here was left in a cardboard box at the end of Farm Buddy's driveway along with her 4 kittens a few months ago.  We found homes for the kittens, but Marigold is still looking for a good home.  Farm Buddy already has six cats, all rescued from the rubbage heap as well.  It would be good if Marigold could find a place of her own.

"All I want for the New Year is a lap of my own. Does anybody want me?"

"Hey, don't forget about us!"

As if we could.

Happy New Year!


  1. Awe Loved this !!
    Hmm with a beautiful gold spotted belly like that the kitty in the first picture has to be a Bengal ??
    Wishing you all the best in 2014 !

    1. She is a grey tiger-striped cat, no particular breed. She started out as a flea infested, malnourished kitten born to a semi-feral barn cat on a neighboring farm.

      Happy New Year!

  2. How I envy all your critters. In addition to our donks (, I'm thinking about adding chickens in a year. But that's as far as the daydreaming goes. Would love to rescue a pig or more donkeys but there just is not enough room or money to go around.

  3. If only they could interesting to hear what they'd say!! I love all your farm critters - how fun! Happy New Year to you and all the "kids".

  4. Kris, were the diverse animals at Farm Buddy's??? They are beautiful and so well cared-for, it's obvious.
    Love the pigs. Love the beautiful Marigold... but alas, no cats here while Lilly Ann is the Queen, unfortunately.

    Happy New Year!

    1. Yes, they are all over at Farm Buddy's, a little of everything:).

  5. Oh, I love all the animals. Ramsey and Emma really do look concerned. I was wondering if that is cedar branches the donkeys eat. It looks like the eastern red cedar we have here.

    1. These are bits of hemlock trees. The donkeys will eat cedar trees as well, I know because they nearly killed my one little ceder tree in my yard last year:)

  6. Is that the inside of Farm Buddy's house where the cat is stretched out? does she have radiant heat in her stone floor? Wish I'd had more time to visit: next time!

    Freezing here and lots of snow.

    1. That brown thing you see on the right is the wood stove and the stones are the hearth it sits on. The cats like to sleep underneath the stove, baking themselves. Silly creatures.

  7. Wow, Farm Buddy has quite the menagerie -- so nice! They must keep her very busy. Here's wishing you and the "kidlets" a wonderful and Happy New Year! Take care and prosper. :-) Vicki ~

  8. Happy New Year! What a wonderful farm to be a resident at :-)
