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Monday, January 27, 2014

Monday Morning Wakeup Call


  1. What a beautiful way to wake up. With a donkey singing to you!

  2. wow that was some call
    loved it

  3. Precious! I love uninhibited vocalizations so you know the true feelings inside! Do you think it was a comment on your cold weather? Our cats love going outside but let us know when they aren't happy with what they encountered for temperatures.

    1. He had just managed to sneak out of the gate and wanted to go for a little adventure, but he couldn't leave without mom. He was yelling at her because he wanted her and she was ignoring him. Ramsey just can't abide being ignored, it disrupts his entire world order:)

  4. He says, "Hey Ma! Check out the song I just wrote!"

  5. What lucky little donkeys to live where they're so treasured! I love this blog.

  6. Boy, does that sound familiar! Sometimes Gabby will start yelling at me and I'm standing 2 feet from her. I'll tell her, "Yes I can hear you, I'm standing right here!"

  7. I love it!! That was great! How old are your donkeys?

    1. Emma is 3 1/2 and Ramsey is now 1 1/2. I bought Emma out of a very neglectful situation when she was a yearling, not knowing that she was pregnant. She gave birth to Ramsey at just 23 months so they are both still very young.

  8. So fun! He definitely knew his mama was watching! :-)
    And, dang, that wind sounds c-c-c-cold!!

  9. Awww, what a sweet way to start the day with Ramsey saying, "Ma, I'm hun-gg-rr-yy. Could you please get yourself out here and feed your children?" LOL
