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Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Deep Freeze

Headed back into the deep freeze tonight after a high temp of 2 degrees today. It's been a long winter already and I don't think we'll be seeing moving water again for a while.  Pardon me while I go hide under the covers.


  1. It is minus two here this morning. What is THAT all about?!? But your photographs are pretty, if chilly!

  2. Brrrr! We are experiencing the sub zero weather, too. Stay warm!!

  3. I am so fascinated by ice. We've had hardly any snow so far - only one snowfall in December, but the hoar frost/fog has been entertaining me the last 3 straight days.
    - The Equestrian Vagabond

  4. Brrrrrr!
    But you take some of the most amazing pictures!

  5. Absolutely gorgeous pictures!!!!! Thank you for braving the cold for us!!!

  6. The pictures are beautiful but look so cold!!!

  7. Love the icicles. Especially when they are in a creek and not on donkey cheeks! Yep - back to the deep chill here too! We're at minus 29 WITHOUT ANY WIND. Holy smokes! This is one of the coldest winters I've ever experienced! Our herd spent the day in the sunny south field. I felt so bad for them this morning as whenever they drank from the heated water bins they grew long icy beards!

  8. I feel your pain. When I went out to feed the donks this a.m., it was -15.

  9. It's really cold here in the mountains of South Carolina, suppose to be lower single digits again tonight with wind chill around 11 degrees. I love your icicle photographs, super shots! :-)

    This weather is terrible for the animals and wildlife!

  10. What beautiful pictures, brr they gave me goosebumps! Stay warm!
