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Sunday, December 8, 2013

Sunday Stills - Pets

I couldn't miss THIS Sunday Stills:)

To start off, how about a pet you've never met before?  This if Farm Buddy's painted turtle Moby, and yes, he (or she?) is named after THAT Moby.  Mostly because, she (or he? how does one tell?) comes up, jaws gaping, for his earthworm dinner. 

The rest of the crew will be a bit more familiar. 

Happy 5th anniversary to Sunday Stills.
I've enjoyed participating these last couple of years and have learned a lot from it. 
Here's to many more.


  1. Nice pictures, thanks for sharing them with us. Regular Guy

  2. I love all of these shots. Great subject matter!!!!!

  3. I don't understand about "Sunday Stills"...what that means. I love the pictures!

    1. Sunday Stills is a photo challenge that I host each week :-)

  4. I got my calendar!!! I LOVE IT!!! Have it hanging up already.

    How to sex a turtle - look at the shape of its tail. It is either long and thin or wedge/triangular much wider at the base (where its attaches to the turtle.). The long and thin is male, the wedge/trianglar is female. So glad to share something with you. I have learned a lot from you.

    1. Thank you! We will have to go take a close look at Moby's propeller:)

  5. Does Moby live indoors in the winter? Nice rump photo of that glamour girl Tessa. She is such a beauty.
    Love all the photos but my favorite today is the last one.

    1. Yes, he/she stays in an aquarium in the house over the winter and in a large stock tank in the summer.
