My Shop

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Thankful for...

A sturdy, comfy barn.

The helping hands and good company of friends...

including all of you reading this.  I am humbled, amazed and very thankful for your company.

A cupboard that is never bare....

The love and trust of true family

The occasional ride with a good horse.

and a good friend.

A handy coat-rack when one is needed.

The beauty of small things...

and the ability to go out and find them.

A warm house...

Good health...

an occasional moment to relax...

and baby donkeys who always make me laugh.

I am even trying, very hard, to be grateful for snow, which is much better for little donkey feet than mud.  I am not sure it is working, but I'm trying.

Truly, I am trying....

it's just going to take a lot more work:)

Happy Thanksgiving.


  1. very sweet. continued blessings to you and all of yours. :)

  2. Happy Thanksgiving, Kris! I am thankful for you and your blog and the chance to visit with your beautiful animals and farm.

  3. Happy Thanksgiving. This has got to be the best Thanksgiving post ever! Every picture touches my heart...but that first one..Well I don't suppose you would let me move in with Ramsey and Emma, would you? :)

  4. Beautiful sentiments, Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. A wonderful family you've got there!!!

  5. Sending "warm wishes" to you, Kris, and your 4-legged kids for a Happy Thanksgiving. Many thanks to you for keeping us a part of your family. I so enjoy all the beautiful photos and stories of the "kids" on your lovely little farm. Take care!

  6. Happy Thanksgiving to you as well, friend! Great pics!

  7. Really nice Kris. Hope you had a good Thanksgiving.

  8. What beautiful scenery you have and some amazing photos. I loved reading this today and thank you so very much for posting this.

    Is that the current snow? Wow!

  9. Gorgeous the sleeping beauties.

  10. That first photo is just... well, you know, it's just too adorable! :) We don't do thanksgiving Downunda but I'm still very thankful for bloggers like you!

  11. Beautiful photos, all of them, and also a beautiful post.
