My Shop

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Perseverance Wins All

Sometime during my adolescent years, I was in a store and saw a billboard display that said, "Perseverance Wins All".  I don't remember where I was, when it was or what the display was for, but the phrase resonated inside my skull and has stuck with me all these years.

Even as a child, I knew and recognized that anything I wanted in my life was going to have to come from from my own efforts.

In the face of many obstacles, determination and perseverance are the two things that have always seen me through.

Because there are times when all you can do is keep moving and trust that momentum will carry the day.

Recognize that some obstacles can't be moved and determination is what it takes to find a path around.

Or under.

Sometimes, reaching a long sought goal proves to be a crushing disappointment.

It is those hardest of moments when the only thing to do is adapt, change course and persevere.

Perseverance Wins All


  1. That feels like my life right now!

  2. Hee Hee Seems your donkeys also share that mindset ! :))

  3. I think Emma is wishing that Ramsey was just a little taller!

  4. What a great post! Have I told you I love your blog?? :)

  5. I think it's a different "P" - payback! For all the Ramsey torture :-D.

  6. LOL He's getting a free belly rub, he an't-a-gona move :-)

  7. Donkeys teach us so much. Patience is such a virtue along with perseverance.

  8. I love how Ramsey just stands there and lets his momma do her thing...he is so adorable!!

  9. I love how Ramsey is so patient with his momma, just trusting that she must have a reason for trying to tunnel under him....your donkeys are so darling!

  10. Young boys can be such a pain in the neck. :)
