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Thursday, October 17, 2013

Creating Monsters

We've had a bit of a breakthrough in our donkey trekking activities - Tanner has started to come with us.  This may not sound like a lot, but it is actually a big deal for him and the donkeys.  At first Tanner would not come with us at all, meaning he had to stay home.  Since I ALWAYS take Tanner out walking in the woods each day, this meant taking the donkeys out required a separate walk.   That may be well and good for my exercise program, but time wise - not so much.   

A few weeks ago, I took the donkeys out on the trail behind the house and after about fifteen minutes they started telling me there was something lurking in the woods.  It was Tanner, very, very sneakily following us.  At first, Tanner hated it because the donkeys made him nervous.  The donkeys hated it because he made them nervous.

I decided to see if we could possible work through this and every time Tanner got close enough to see, I threw a cookie in the woods for him and gave one to Emma and Ramsey as well.  Nothing like food to bring people together right?  Eventually, little by little, the donkeys stopped worrying about him and he got better about them and everybody got lots of cookies.

We have all gone out together every day for the last two weeks now and it's working!  Tanner still keeps a safe distance, but he is relaxed enough to explore, play and chase chipmunks; the donkeys are no longer bothered by the wolf in the woods.  Although, I do always keep Emma on a lead instead of switching off between her and Ramsey as I don't absolutely trust Emma not to chase the "wolf" off.  Otherwise, it's great.

There is just one little problem.  Well, two actually.  It only took two or three days of continuous walks for the donkeys to start expecting an outing.  Now, they are not just expecting, but demanding!  After going all summer without hearing a single bray, they have both started, alternately, crying pitifully or demandingly just as soon as they hear me start moving around in the morning.  Sometimes, I even get a duet.  They want OUT and the more we go out the more they want out.

"WE WANT OUT!  WE WANT OUT!  WE WANT OUT!  WE WANT OUT!.........................."

They especially want to get out and sample the 4D's (Delightfully Delicious donkey Delectables).  These include such delicacies as well aged and seasoned tree stump or rotted log.

The oh-so-succulent wonders of moss and lichen...

and the truly marvelous Combination Platter...

along with the absolutely, scrumptiously delicious, beech tree dessert.  YUM!

It is well worth the effort, even if it means getting one's feet wet.


Yup, I've created monsters.

Now, if I could just figure out how to bring Tessa along without everything devolving into utter chaos, we'd all get some much needed exercise.


  1. Do you suppose it was Tanner in the woods that spooked Emma that day we were there?

    We need a video of the pathetic braying duet!!!

    1. I don't think it was Tanner that day, he never made it across the road with us. I never did figure out what bothered her so, she has never done it again.

      I am trying to get some video, but they quit as soon as they think they have my attention. I'm trying:)

  2. Great thinking, never underestimate the power of the almighty cookie! I am sure Tessa would love to join in. Maybe go back to two walks at two different times of the day, with the two donkeys, and then with the two T's? I know not as time efficient, but if anyone can figure out how to get everyone walking together - you can.

    1. I might try that, Tess really does need to get out more. Thanks for the vote of confidence:)

  3. I never imagined donkeys would come to expect a walk! But you have such a gorgeous wooded area, I think I'd expect it, too. Love your stories!!

    Nancy in Iowa

  4. You recall the pics of the old time pack trains, with all the mules and donkeys tied together??? If you could just get Emma and Tessa to do that, you would have it made!

    1. I've worked on that a bit and they actually do very well at it - in the open. The trails in the woods are so narrow and twisty we keep getting hung up though. I know Tessa would follow us, she desperately wants to come along, but having two critters loose in the woods....I don't know if I can handle that. I guess I will have to get brave and try it sometime. At least Tessa generally stay pretty calm about things so...maybe. I'll let you know if I try it out, I'm sure it would be something to write about!:)

  5. What beautiful, contented monsters you have created ;-)

    1. Thanks, there's nothing like having a couple of nice monsters:)

  6. How wonderful! I wish my dogs were clever enough to figure out "healthy distance", then I could take then when I hack out with the horses.

    Ramsay looks MAGNIFICENT & Emma makes me ashamed of how fat Dougie Donk is - I see a winter of zero fodder & just a whisker of hay if they have to come in at night....... and LOADS of "I'm neglected" braying!

  7. I wish my dogs were clever enough to figure out "respectful distance", as it sure would save time to exercise everyone together.

    Ramsay is looking MAGNIFICENT, and Emma has made me realise just how fat Dougie Donk has gotten. I see a winter of no rugs(blankets), minimum feed and just a wisp of hay when he comes in at night... along with increasing "I'm neglected!" brays. LOL!

    1. Aw, poor Dougie, sounds like it could be a rough winter:).

  8. Love your pictures and your stories! I would love to have monsters like yours!

  9. They look like they are in such good shape! The walks are paying off for dog, human and equine!

  10. Hysterical!!! You're thinking nature walk (exercise and stimulation) and they're thinking buffet!!! Gotta love 'em. And well done on the puppy bonding. Mine are getting used to my dogs, but still don't trust them with any others for sure. and they are minis with big 'tudes so still not safe. Enjoy hearing about your adventures, thanks :-)
