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Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Not enough to go around

When there are a million things to write about and not enough time to do it, what do you do?

Post a picture of the cat.


  1. LOL! Good idea! My cats are next ...

  2. Good idea...I've been having that problem too!

  3. I go through waves like this. It's a good problem to have! Of course that depends on what is going on. Sadly some of my ideas fade away and seem irrelevant before I can take note. More often then not I have the opposite problem, writers block. Will look forward to hearing what is happening in your neck of the woods, when you get a chance.

  4. Never a bad thing to have a shameless kitty cat picture :-)

  5. People love photos of cats. I don't have one so I would probably do another chicken photo.
