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Saturday, July 27, 2013

Birthday Girl

This week's Sunday Still's challenge was to take any photo and do something with it in Photoshop or similar software.  Since it was Emma's third birthday today she had to be the subject.  I decided to make her a birthday card.

This was the original photo, which I liked OK, but was disappointed in as the lighting just isn't right.

I fumbled around with the effects in Picassa and came up with these, I'm not sure which I like better.

It is hard to believe that Emma is just now turning three, she often seems ageless to me.  A visual contradiction with her greying coat and her young eyes.  It goes beyond that though to who she is.  Perhaps it is a donkey thing, perhaps because she is already a mother, probably a bit of both, but she is both old as the hills and young as a butterfly.  I love her dearly.

Happy Birthday my sweet Emma-Girl.


  1. Beautiful photo of Emma. Happy Birthday!

  2. The original is lovely (apart from the background being blown out) it really shows Emma's sweet face and soft eyes.
    Of the two adaptations, I prefer the first one. It would make a lovely card, gift card, post card whatever!

  3. Awwwww. happy b-day and great shots..:-)

  4. Beautiful, it is fun experimenting.

  5. Happy Birthday, lovely Emma, good health for you always!
    I like the original photo despite the background, and I think the third picture looks like a very elaborate drawing of Emma, pretty neat!

  6. I like the first photo the best because she looks so soft. I would just adjust the over exposed area and leave the rest. Happy Birthday to your Emma. I can't believe our boys are 4 and 5 already.

  7. Happy Birthday, Emma! I like the 2nd Picasso - she stands out more from her surroundings.

    Nancy in Iowa

  8. Lovely picture of Emma. Happy birthday, sweetheart!

  9. Happy Birthday Emma, donkey and human hugs from SoCal. I like the lighter of the photo changes Di

  10. Happy Birthday Emma! I love your photo: all three versions.

  11. She is such a beautiful little girl!

  12. I vote for the first modification. Give Emma of the sweetest face my happy birthday wishes!! She's a lucky girl to have found you to live her life with.♥

  13. HAPPY BIRTHDAY EMMA! You are quite photogenic!

  14. I like the texture in the third one- almost like a pencil sketch. Happy birthday Emma!

  15. I like the third one- kind of like a pencil sketch. Happy birthday Emma!

  16. Happy Birthday sweet Emma! It's fun to play with these photos isn't it? Nice!

  17. Oh, they are all so gorgeous! Happy Birthday sweet Emma and may all your donkey wishes come true! :D
    *big hugs*

  18. Nice job, I'll have to download Picassa, I like what you can do with it. :)

  19. Belated happy birthday Emma! Sorry we missed it, hope you had a great day :-)

  20. Happy Birthday dear mama Emma! Thank you for sharing your adventures with us!

  21. Happy Birthday dear Emma - you are wise beyond your years (but that's a "donkey thing") with a long beautiful life ahead of you!

  22. I think the original picture is more good, loved it :)
