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Thursday, June 13, 2013

The Pied Piper

Farm Buddy, in a sing-song voice...."C'mon chickies, c'mom"

"Chickie, chickie, chickies, c'mon"

"It's supper time..."


  1. Are all the chickens free in yard? Don't coyotes or hawks get them? Di

    1. Yes the chickens are free, they free range and no the coyotes and hawks don't get them. The chickens are very aware of hawks and hide in the bushes, I don't think we have ever lost one to a hawk. We did have a couple of loose dogs show up last week and they mauled a chicken. She is recovering though and it looks like she will make it. We have also lost a number of baby chicks to stray cats.

      The only chickens we have ever lost to coyotes was the one time we raised Cornish X meat birds. Those things have been so tampered with genetically that they had no sense of self preservation and seemed to beg to be eaten, the coyotes obliged. Those things were down right freakish and we have never raised them again.

    2. Well, that answered one question. Second question: where do the lay their eggs?

  2. One time my neighbor's chickens got out and were wandering around near my house. My husband saw our Rottweiler, Hannah, round them all up and move them back down the road to where they belonged. Rottie's come from a herding background -- but we were still really surprised.

  3. I've got cornish x this year, I call them monsters. They do freak me out and I don't think I'll get them again. At 1 week old they have all thier feathers and have tripled in size compared to my regular laying chicks. They are def creepy.

  4. I've got cornish x this year, they are creepy. I call them little monsters, at 1 week old they have most of their feathers and have at least tripled in size compared to my regular laying and bantam chicks. They had better be at least tasty.

  5. Riding Buddy has many talents! Love the Pied Chicken Piper photo series! And Rebecca2 - I'm always happy to read or hear stories of wonderful Rotties. My sister has had 2, and they were lovely dogs. Especially her first, Jack, whom she got as a puppy. He grew to at least 160# but he always thought he was a lap puppy. And if any of us was sitting on the floor and Jack picked one of our laps, that "lucky" person couldn't get up until Jack decided to get up!

    Nancy in Iowa

  6. FANTASTIC photos! They look fresh out of a country magazine. You should submit!!

  7. THAT is so cool! I love the shots on the way to the barn and what a colorful flock you have!

  8. What a fowl post and pics..;-))
    sorry could not resist the pun, great pics, I'll check back later to see if you do a Sunday Stills..:-)

  9. Just saw the new header photo - I love it! Ramsey looks bigger than his Mom, maybe because he's closest to the camera? 3 happy equines!!!

    Nancy in Iowa

  10. love the picks of the chicks
