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Sunday, May 12, 2013

Sunday Stills - White

It's still Sunday isn't it?

Ever wonder how you can up the challenge level of your photography?  It's simple really.  Just drop your camera one too many times so that several of the settings, including macro, and the view screen in the back, both quit working properly.  Then, set out to take pictures of flowers that are only a quarter inch across.  It brings a whole new meaning to the term 'point and shoot'.  'Aim and pray' is probably a better term for it.

These are more tiny woodland wildflowers, I don't know what they are.

And even tinier ones.  Why do you suppose woodland flowers are so miniscule?

Except for the Trillium that is, which are all coming into bloom right now.

As are the last of the frog eggs....

and the swamp thing.

Kelsey, who is such a Border Collie!

And last, a glow-in-the-dark calf.


  1. Well done with your aim and prays! Such a sweet calf and I love the BC's:)

  2. I love that Aim and Pray :D
    Your photos didn't turn out half bad (by the way, that's a good thing. Not sure if you use that expression Over There).
    I never got around to doing SS this week. I will have to keep W in mind for the week, maybe I'll spot something.

  3. Excellent shots! The trillium is very cool, we have a couple different varieties in Tennessee but I've never seen one with those colours before..:-)

  4. Your technique worked very well this week, lovely flowers. Love your swamp thing, so cute.

  5. You did great with the challenge, camera issues and all!

  6. Aim and pray works well for you. I would not be so lucky.

    Great pics.

  7. I love the "Swamp Thing"! Aim and Pray is a great technique. I use it ALL the time.

  8. Beautiful shots...and I love your header photo.
