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Thursday, May 2, 2013

How to Ruin a Donkey's Day


"I'm sorry guys, but you can't have any more grass right now.  It's too rich and I don't want you getting fat(ter) or getting sick from it.  It's for your own good."

"You've got to be kidding, it's not like you're one to talk!  What are we supposed to eat, huh?  Tell us that!"

"Oh come on now guys, give me a break, you have nearly three acres behind the barn.  There is plenty of food out there for two donkeys and you get the hedgerow with all the little brushy stuff you so love to murder and there is hay in your net.  You just can't have the super lush lawn and pasture grass anymore.  You have plenty to eat though."

"Yeah right, don't you know that the grass out there is awful, skimpy, scrawny, tasteless stuff?!"

"Um, yes actually, I do know that.  That's sort of the point in fact, it should be safe for donkeys." (I hope)

"Oh the betrayal!!  Ramsey, I hope you're in there looking up the number for the donkey rescue.  Mom has obviously gone round the bend and is trying to starve us to death....I just can't believe this has used to be so good, now look what we're reduced to.  We're not talking to you any more today Ma!"


  1. Oh Ramsey ...come over to our farm we will sneak you out to the grassy field with us for a litle bite... hee hee ( just for a few minutes though as we don't want you to get sick ... but we woul love to have you visit us ! )
    The Mini horses at Willows Farm :)

  2. Poor little abused donkeys! You're so mean ;D
    (having had laminitis prone kiddies ponies over the years I do sympathise, it's a very worrying time of year)

  3. LOL Mine stand at the closed gate and give me that SAD donkey look they are so good at. Life is so hard!

  4. Is that a portable electric fence?

  5. Isn't it funny how animals can let us know in no uncertain terms how they feel? Especially when food is involved. If I am even 10 minutes late feeding the cats - oh goodness. I never hear the end of it.

  6. Yup, I can see the headlines now!

    "Donkeys abused by woman who refused to let them eat till they made themselves sick"

    PETA is gonna be all over this one! LOL

    Some days it is hard to be the parent, isn't it? :-)

  7. Hee hee they are kinda pathetic about that stuff aren't they. How long till they figure out how to get around the barrier?

  8. Oh my gosh, they DO look disgusted!

  9. You're lucky to get away with a single strand or wire. Dougie Donk has learned that if he moves REALLY fast; he can duck his head under the wire, let it bounce off of his tubby bum & be on the grassy side without feeling any pain!

    How do they work it out?

  10. This morning when I was feeding, I tried to give Danny a hay cube by hand but he wouldn't take it. He would look at it, and then look at the grain bin, then look at me, then back at the bin. It was clear he was telling me that he needs grain with every meal instead of just dinner. When I dumped his breakfast in the tub he still just looked at me as if to say, "UM excuse me, but I believe you have forgotten something!"


  11. Starved Donks? I think not.

  12. Oh Ramsey, we sympathise, our fence has come out of hibernation too, we are very miserable and only made happy by ample picnic walks.... humans just don't understand do they?!

  13. I love how they tell you off! My cat does the same thing with just a look, or long stare. Sometimes I wish she were a donkey - I'd love to have one! Can't you just picture a sweet, long-eared donkey the size of a cat or small dog that would fit in an apartment?

    Nancy in Iowa

  14. They are sure cute when they are being pathetic!

  15. They are sure cute when they are being pathetic!
