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Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Blog to the Rescue - Again

Once again, this blogging thing has led to an unexpected solution to a problem.  Last Friday morning, I finally posted about my big decision to find Gabe a new home, a decision that I have been agonizing over and dwelling on for longer then I care to think about.  However, just a couple of hours after I hit the 'publish' button, I got an email from some people I have met a few times who live in a nearby village and have been following my blog.  They are a retired couple who do a lot of horseback riding and they have met Gabe several times.  They even went on a trail ride with him before I ever knew about him.  The timing and circumstances were never right before, but they have had an eye on Gabe for a long time.

Ironically, Riding Buddy and I even had a conversation several months ago about them possibly being a good match for Gabe.  We didn't think they were looking for a new horse though and I never followed up on the conversation, time went by and I forgot about it.  However, unbeknownst to me, they had lost one of their two horses early last year to a re-occurrence of an old injury and they have been trying to find a new horse ever since.  A difficult endeavor that I can deeply empathize with and the main reason I have been so reluctant to part with Gabe.  A good horse is very hard to find.

When they saw my post about Gabe, they didn't waste any time getting in touch with me and came out that very afternoon to see him and discuss things.  We talked about everything and the end result is that Gabe went home with them Tuesday afternoon (he had to hang around long enough to be in the parade on Monday:).

I really think this is a true win/win/win for everybody, including Gabe.  The two things he loves most in life (other then food anyway) are hanging out with his gelding buddies and lots of attention from his favorite people.  He doesn't get much of either here.  There are no gelding buddies and I don't have the time to spend with him that he so craves.  His new home has both a nice big gelding to play with and two very loving, experienced horse people who are over-the-top happy about Gabe.  On top of that, he is only about 20 minutes away and will likely be visiting for trail rides regularly.  Everybody wins.

I'm going to miss Gabe.  His sweet nicker, the convenience of an easy ride with a friend and the stunning beauty of seeing him and Tessa out in the field together.  However, I won't miss the stress and constant worry about him hurting Ramsey, no matter how accidental it may be.

This was a hard choice, but the way everything came together in just the right way, I feel good about it now.  I know I did the right thing, not just for me and the rest of my little herd, but for Gabe as well.  A "forever home" is one that forever takes the best interest of the animals to heart even when that means passing the torch to someone else when the need arises.


  1. Sh*t, sorry about my comment yesterday, I'm a bit behind in my blog reading do I hadn't realised you were looking for a home for Gabe, I just thought you had come up with a new idea for improving his relationship with Ramsey.
    You must have very mixed feelings, I know I would, but it really sounds like the prefect home for Gabe and so close for you - almost as good as passing him on to a family member. I hope he settles with his new people quickly and has a long and happy like on the trails with them.

  2. I've got goose bumps! That portrait of Tessa, Emma and Ramsey saying goodbye to Gabe is perfect.

    Bye, for now, beautiful Hippo. We'll see you on the trail perhaps!

  3. I love the way the story of Gabe played out. Such a perfect solution for all of you.

  4. when things come together like that, its one of the "It was ment to be" things! Win, win, win!

  5. It is always hard to say goodbye to a herd member, but I can't think of a better way for this to have played out (other than for him to stop messing with Ramsey). He is at a good home, Ramsey is safe, and you will still get to see him. It just doesn't get any better than that.

  6. I am glad things worked out! Sounds like a good thing!

  7. Cindy D. said it well. Your picture of Tessa, Emma and Ramsey really tugged at my heart and most likely mirrored how yours was feeling.

  8. I know you must have been crying and smiling at the same time. It's so hard to say goodbye to an animal companion, but the universe brought everything together beautifully. I had to part with a gorgeous, beloved German Shepherd years ago. Circumstances got in the way. My ex and I obtained Fritz as a puppy and loved him well. Then divorce. I moved to Atlanta and took F with me, as I knew the ex wouldn't spend time with him. But I moved to an apt and couldn't keep him, so he went to live with my sister and her hubby. As you said, sometimes you have to pass the torch to find the final forever home.

    Nancy in Iowa

  9. Thank you for letting us know the end of the story! It sounds like the (almost) perfect solution and it also sounds like Gabe will be a happy horse!

  10. Wonderful, just love happy endings!!

  11. I'm so glad you found such a perfect solution.

  12. Win/win/win - how very fortunate! Congratulations to all parties involved. I hope Tessa won't miss her "twin brother" but will renew her friendship with Emma and keep herself entertained "co-mothering" Ramsey.

  13. Tears and smiles. There is a interesting/different posture and look to Ramsey. Emma and Tessa generally see Ramsey leave in the trailer for vet visits but he always comes back. Ramsey looks like he has a bit of a 'whew' look. Like maybe he foresees 'peace at last, peace at last'. Di

  14. How amazing! :) I'm so glad this worked out so well!
