My Shop

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Sunday Stills - Hand Tools

I ended  up skipping last week's challenge because it was 'trains'.  There are some tracks about 40 minutes from here, but I didn't want to drive and for the life of me, I could not come up with anything train related at home.  This week was right up my alley though.  I cannot remember more than 2 or 3 days of my entire life where I have not used some kind of hand tool.  Some of my very earliest memories are of working in the garden as a child, hoeing weeds.  When I was very young, we lived on a small farm and grew all of our food.  Maybe it is just as well that the extremely wet weather kept me from pulling out too many tools and ending up with a gazillion photos.  I limited myself.

It was hoof trimming day at Farm Buddy's.

This drill built half my house, all of the decks, the woodshed, most of the barn, hung all the sheet rock...the list goes on.  The drill and the saw it sits on are two of the most useful tools a girl can have.

Bonus points for old favorite splitting maul, I bought in an estate sale....

 and the hand carved wood vise on my antique woodworking bench, built in 1886.



  1. Great shots and really interesting tools! Good job!

  2. A great selection of tools. :)

  3. You are a multi-talented lady. That hand carved vise is a real treasure. Hang tough, Summer is coming. Summer is not something we look forward to, here in the desert.

    1. I don't care for the heat and bugs of summer much either. We are all just longing for some normal Spring weather. I think we have had a grand total of 3 relatively nice days since last Fall. It is getting pretty tiresome.

  4. I love the Manure Movers of America Sign where on earth did you find that!?

    1. My mother gave that to me when I was about 15. I have no idea where it came from, but it has hung in every barn I have had since then.

  5. Great shots and antiques..:-))

  6. Lovely shots. The vise and the "Manure Movers" sign are Fab!

  7. These are great and I love the last one!

  8. These shots are great. Of course I am part of that manure moving group and have all those tools. The macro shots are especially nice.

  9. Great shots.
    There are certainly tools in there I've never seen before, and some I'm a lot more familiar with.
