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Saturday, March 9, 2013

Sunday Stills - Potluck

This old car is quite a ways out in the woods behind my house.  I've photographed it several times before.  It had to have gotten where it is before any of the trees, which always amazes me just a bit.  Tanner and I walk past it all the time, but it always seems to look a little different depending on the weather and angle.  It's very much a part of the landscape and yet not at the same time.

The weather this winter has been a real trial.  It's been a relatively mild winter, but it hasn't felt that way.  It has been singularly dreary with long stretches of very cold temperatures, unending wind and very little sun.  Perhaps that is why, when the sun did show up, everything seemed very alive.  Even the buds on this very dead, fallen tree. 

This tree too, seemed very vibrant, but you can't see the hole in it's base.  It won't last another year. 

On the other hand...

these cold, snowy, windy Hemlocks are doing OK.

A deer's version of a snow angel perhaps?  Kind of a scary looking angel if you ask me.  Maybe a snow squid, alien, giant bug?

Wait, I know, it reminds me of one of those electron microscope pictures of a dust mite.  Creepy huh? 
Dust mites leave more than just footprints behind

 I knew those deer were up to no good. 
BTW, I stole this picture from the internet.

A rock embedded in the crevice of a tree and covered with snow - Mother Nature's version of rock/paper/scissors?  I can't decide who is winning.

Fortunately, some things are constant.

And yes, all these photos are from this week.  The weather really is that crazy.


  1. snow looks awesome

  2. Absolutely love the car photos. It would fascinate me, too

  3. Great series of pictures from this week. :)

  4. WOW! Brrrr! No wonder the donkeys want to be inside!

  5. Great shots, the idea of a 4 foot long dustmite gives me the shivers..:-))

  6. Oh, all these makes me long for spring even more. The car photos are so cool

  7. You still have lots of snow...that is good! I like the second photo of the old car and of course the snow falling shots too! We are starting to see some buds swelling on our trees as well....won't be long now, just hope not too early!

  8. You know, that car kind of looks like the flying Anglica from the Harry Potter movies. Maybe it fell out of the sky?

  9. Nice series. Old abandoned cars in the middle of nowhere are a mystery. Cute header too!

  10. wow, i 'd fell n love with that car, defenitly a all season model for photography
