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Saturday, March 30, 2013

On Watch

I found more bear tracks this afternoon.  This time they were in my back yard and the donkey pasture just behind the barn.  Fortunately, none of my animals seem to be concerned.  I don't think a bear would mess with them, but I can't help but worry a bit for Ramsey and Emma, especially Ramsey.  I guess it's a good thing he is growing like a weed again lately.

At least we all have good security. 

"Don't worry mom, I've got this.  All's quiet on the front."


  1. Yikes! I wouldn't want to mess with bears, even if they are suppose to be more scared of us. What kind do you have around you, black bear? Tighten down the feed hatches/feeders - or relocate them, if you can. Hope the bear moves on. Good watch doggie!

  2. Ewww! that sounds a bit too near to me! Do take care.

  3. Yikes! Not so good. Hope you can get your neighbors to stop tossing food scrapes out! Just one set of tracks? No cub with it?
