My Shop

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Hauling Groceries


  1. Nice load! I am so disappointed with the hay I bought this year - I had it delivered after seeing an "edge" that was stored in a barn and now I see that it is FULL of intact seed heads ... too rich for donkeys!
    Luckily I still have some coarse hay from last year so I am mixing, but it's so important to find the right stuff for the donks!

  2. Replies
    1. Bite your tongue (or would that be fingers in this case?)! All our "groceries" are locally grown and organic:)

  3. Very cool! I found your blog today, and I love the name you have given it. Greetings from Montreal, Canada.

  4. About Ramsey's foot, There is a blog of a farrier,, I wonder if he would give you any insight on the whole thing. Have a look at his blog and see what you think. I'm pretty sure he lives out west somewhere, but he has this blog so he must expect people are going to ask him stuff. Right? He should have some opinion...hope it helps. Sure hate to see the little guy have any more troubles than he already has! (Ramsey, not Ian!)

    1. Thanks, I have seen this blog. It's been a while since he posted anything so I kind of forgot about him. I might get in touch with him, see if he has anything to say about donkeys:)

  5. You are so lucky to find such nice looking hay. Around here, it's slim pickins.

    1. We make our own hay at my friend's farm. I think we are going to just barley have enough for the winter, which is good. I know there are a lot of folks looking hard for hay this year. I sure hope I don't end up being one of them!
