My Shop

Friday, February 22, 2013

Finally heard back...

from the vet yesterday afternoon.  Looks like we're going to be making our way back to Cornell on Monday for x-rays and foot trimming.  We all agree that the foot needs to be trimmed, but there is no way of knowing just how to trim it without the x-rays so, it is over hill and dale and off to the hospital we go.  Actually, we'd have gone today if I could have lined up some transportation.  I sure wish I had a truck and trailer.  Little Ramsey isn't quite little enough for the back of my car.  I just might have gotten away with it a few months ago, but not now.  I don't have a sunroof - his ears would never fit.


  1. He's so gorgeous. Thinking of you... everything will go great on Monday.

  2. Giod luck I will be thinking of both of you on Monday

  3. I will be anxious to hear what they say! Go Ramsey!!!!

  4. That makes sense to have a current picture of his foot for a healthy trim. Good luck. I do like the visual image of Ramsey riding along with his ears peeking out of a sunroof.

  5. Love the pic -- the fuzzy ears are wonderful. Tell Ramsey to enjoy his pedicure! :-)

  6. What an image: those ears sticking out of a sunroof!

  7. Well if I lived closer I'd be happy to give you and Ramsey a ride. Like Sue, I'm digging the picture of him riding in the car with his head out the sunroof.

    Good luck on Monday, I can't wait to hear what they do.

  8. Good luck!. Love the mental image of donkey ears sticking out a sunroof, too.

  9. I hope all goes well. That's why I don't have any large animals right now. Not until I have a way to haul them in an emergency.

  10. Replies
    1. Ah jeez, that just gave me the mental image of taking a big can opener to the top of my car. Bad idea.

  11. Praying for you and little Ramsey... hope things turn out very well!

  12. I told you about our mare that had an injured hoof. It has been 6-8 years since she passed! At the ripe old age of 29! Of natural causes.
    That hoof would always build up extra sole, really thick sole.
