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Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Work With What You've Got

Emma did a fine job of ringing in the New Year last January, and we had big plans for a celebration this year as well.  However, we are back to this again...
"We'll come out and celebrate Spring, you're on your own for New Year's."

Ah well, I guess we'll just have to go with our practice shot.  Emma does have a point after all, how can we all watch the ball drop when it is lost out in the snow somewhere, guaranteed not to show up until Spring.  Perhaps this can be the motto for 2013:  Work with what you've got.  So...

Happy New Year!


  1. Always love your photos and comments! Happy New Year!

  2. I love that post from last January! I wasn't following then so it was brand new to me!

    Is Emma trying to engage Ramsey in a game of jolly ball?

    Happy New Year to you Kris! It's cold and snowy here, but seems more normal than last year. And the sky is lovely.

  3. LOL!!! You crack me up! Happy New Year!

  4. Happy New Year, Kris! It's going to be a great year for all of us, I can tell. Maybe this is the year we'll finally get to ride together, too. Keep up the wonderful blog and photography, you're wonderful at both :)

  5. Happy New Year, Kris! Thanks so much for the 6 months of entertainment and learning since I bought my two Miniature Donkeys (Noel and Bellisima) and brought them home to the Hansen Half Ass Ranch! I learned how to make a slow feeder from you, and got many ideas for toys, and I love your Barn, although I'm not able to build one like it yet!

    BTW, Do you have a past blog on what you use for that white wire (electric) fence that I see often in your pictures? Is that enough to keep them "corralled" on different parts of the property if I'm around to watch them?

    In gratitude,

  6. Love your sense of humor. The photos you posted the other day were gorgeous; all of them. Thanks for sharing them. Happy New Year to you and all the critters!!!

  7. Love your sense of humor as well as your photography skills! The pictures you posted the other day; your faves, were all great. I appreciate how difficult it can be to get good animal shoots...Happy New Year to you and all the critters!

  8. Happy New Year, Kris! Thanks for all of the entertainment and learning this year, since I got my miniature donkeys, Noel and Bellisima here to the Hansen Half Ass Ranch! I learned how to make a slow feeder from your site, and got ideas for toys for the donks, and I love your BARN, although I haven't been able to build one like it (yet!)

  9. Excellent motto for 2013, and I guess my best wishes to you and your wonderful critters for a very healthy and happy new year could also be expressed this way: May "what you've got" always equal what you need and then some!

    Thank you, Kris, for my daily Dancing Donkey fix, I love this blog and its "cast of characters" and all the beauty in your part of the world and your independence and resourcefulness... :)

  10. Cute post! Emma is so talented, who knew she played basketball? Happy New Year to you & your crew ~ sending best wishes for a healthy 2013!!
