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Sunday, January 27, 2013

Sunday Stills - The Letter F

The letter F was an apt choice, it sure seems to sum up the whole week. 
Frozen, Frigid, Freezing, Frustrating, Fury, Firewood, Fur, Frisbee and a few other F words that aren't Fit to print.

I had more Firewood delivered over the weekend, much to the donkey's delight.  They soo love firewood.



  1. Fury? Cos the donkeys scattered the firewood all around?

    1. I was mad at my frozen water line and my donkey-chasing horse. The firewood looks scattered because it was dumped out of the truck into a heap. Emma and Ramsey just love to chew on it, they can't hurt it any.

  2. Good take on the challenge, especially the Funny Fuzzy Firewood Frisbee Fans!

  3. Yeh, quite funny, what they r up to? a little fire? :)
